Harry Potter FM - Informed Spec Chat

I feel like it’s time to rng
But that might just be modbias

what are you rnging

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just have an ITA event except the only person eligible to being hit is the strongest town PR

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Pogchamp /ITA Mist1422

Heads - 6
Tails - 4

Event: - 1

No Events
I s2g

I told you you weren’t allowed to do them
I meant it

When did this happen??? Okay whatever

/ita geyde

Random PR dies

Event one is stairs

If Geyde says no to events, that means no events.

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I’m okay with events in general
Not in games that aren’t made for them

The first iteration of HPFM had 17 events

balance is my passion

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HPFM could have happened
Don’t ask me to balance your setup when your setup is mash+ levels of mech bullshit

Yes. I understand.

Light probably gets this by this point
It’s more for everyone else

Good thing we have other reviewers

it’s only the thirteenth time you’ve said it