Harry Potter FM - Informed Spec Chat

see ate works

Yeah. The one time I decided to buy AtE in public, it immediately backstabbed me.

I bought AtE last game I played which did not turn out well.

not really hes usually p blatant as a wolf

hes been less bad about this but he also hasnt really done much this game

give it time

Vulgard doesn’t have the same town leader vibe he usually does.

Welp. If town doesn’t destroy itself (Marshal hunting Intensify, Wazza doing nothing, gorta AFK, Boss indecisive, Eli victim of Cent and Derps), then town “might” have a chance to win.

But hey, I am a pessimist. Obviously I won’t root for a town in this state.

being optimistic about a town on this site is pretty hard i dont blame you :joy_cat:


if town exists, they auto-lose

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I still like rooting for town, especially since town doesn’t win often here.

i like rooting for town but i don’t usually believe in it

there’s exceptions but this isnt feeling like one

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…“town doesn’t win often”. Why do you think I stopped rooting for town in the first place?

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i can’t even root for scum cause apparently they’re being dickish

I just tend to want people to solve the puzzle rather than get fooled by it.

This is coming from someone who likes playing wolf more than playing town.

Of course I want them to do that, but they simply don’t do that and get distracted killing each other instead.


In short
His posts weren’t written by a villager


Marshal is being weird because of Watch Your Mouth, where he fails like he failed at being a townleader.

yeah i get that

powerwolfing as town :joy_cat:

His reads are very on point this game, except for Italy. He has three wolves in his 5-man PoE.

misclearing italy when italy is actually playing is Fair

given the check Eli has i think marshal will realize italy is just a wolf? cause when italy rands a strong PR he has a ton of WiM and he… isn’t that