Harry Potter FM - Informed Spec Chat

village has more prs than usual, but there’s a lot of fuckery in mech so /shurg

so why is the tracker a miller again


What does he show as to the role cop


Type cop
You know how it works

This doesn’t look like a type cop :eyes:

I will literally shoot you, in the head, point blank, with a water gun.
Filled with acid.
With a pH of 6.9.
At 150°F.

/shoot Light

@Aelin I will get NAI host ping if u want since I dont have the restriction of only ten pings per post

Oh wait nm didnt see u had two posts reserved for it

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don’t we all love seth

i am the very cool, no?

I was about to send the same shit. This is so BAD. Stop doing this play

I would assume a VT claim counts for this?

Ehh… not really, no. However, they claimed some of their flavor text, so that does count.

So, yes, Seth became eligible for anti-claim 2 minutes into the day with his first post.


now the question is if they want to waste an anti claim strongman on VT!Seth

Probably not.

I literally quoted what I sent to Eli
why you bully me, also i cant defend myself because they might misconstrue it as AI