Harry Potter FM - Informed Spec Chat

Trochilidae is cringe.

i think i’m cringier than just plan cringe cmon now

Light for future reference it’s good practice to give people their classcard before you announce the sub

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i feel like the thing i experimented with in SFoL60 should become standard but thats just me

what’d ya do there?

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ohh gotcha that looks like a good idea

its prob not a fully original idea but i think it’s healthy and it felt necessary for that game since it was a more chaotic one

i think we actually ended up doing it in FoL30 as well although not fully intentionally since i didnt handle all of the replacements

tbh i had forgotten FoL30 had replacements

every game here has replacements lmao

huh i don’t think i’ve been in one without them tbh

i can think of… maybe 1?

imagine thinking

mountainous 15er had no replacements right @arete

arete: :upside_down_face:


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15 player game

8 players replaced out

wasnt it only 6 slots (but one slot had 2 replacements) for 7 total

im sure theres worse tbh but that one is a fond game of mine

that’s uh
a lot of people

i think the only game ive played in with no replacements was… almost an entire year ago lol