Harry Potter FM - Signups [17/17]

Harry Potter Forum Mafia!
Hosted by @Light, @Magnus, and @Geyde
Alt Mod: @DatBird

It’s a warm, breezy night. All of the sudden, a pop resounds through the air. 17 people all drop down to the ground, with one person floating above them. Gellert Grindelwald laughs as his greatest threats to his plan to conquer Magical Europe all groggily get off the ground. He erases their knowledge of each other’s faces, leaving them all clueless as to who the other people are. Briefly, he wonders why he just doesn’t kill them all and how he even subdued them without killing any of them or dying himself, but his eyes glaze over and he realizes that it isn’t important.

The island is a large circle, and, before their eyes, a mini-replica of Hogwarts bursts into existence before them. Gellert cackles as he Apparates away, intent on conquering Europe while his rivals were busy fighting each other.



  • This game has a D1 start.
  • This game has a D1 lynch.
  • There may or may not be neutrals.
  • There are flavor anti-claim mechanics in place.
  • Scum are given fake-claims.
  • Days are 48 hours long (unless majority is reached early), and Nights are 24 hours long. /skip night may be used if all living players agree.
  • Actions are done by messaging in your rolecard.
  • The Scum faction has an optional, assignable nightly kill.
  • The Scum faction has a 24/7 PM or Discord server.
  • Questions may be asked in rolecards - The game should not swivel based on the flavor, - I will do my best to answer any questions you have to the best of my abilities!
  • Executions will be both majority and plurality.
  • If an execution is tied at the end of the day, the vote will be distributed randomly amongst the players with the most votes.
  • Votes must be done in the format of /vote [Player Name], and unvotes must be done in the format of /unvote. I will do my best, but mentioning me @Light guarantees I’ll be able to see your vote/unvote.
  • Self-votes are considered valid votes, and votes for hosts or players who are otherwise not in the game/dead will be considered as unvotes.
  • Players should post at least 15 on-topic posts per day. If a player fails to meet this, they will first be prodded, and then either force-replaced or modkilled.
  • Do not sub out just because you’re getting scumread, please. Nobody wants to sub into that kind of slot, so all you’d be doing is ruining the game for others.


Investigative roles: Yes
Protective roles: No
Killing roles: No
Roleblocks: Yes
Anything else will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Win Conditions

For the Students of Hogwarts: Win Condition: Defeat all members of the Death Eaters, as well as any neutrals who might wish you harm.
For the Death Eaters: Reach parity with the Students of Hogwarts, and defeat any neutrals that may wish you harm.

This is a closed setup game.


  1. Italy
  2. SirDerpsAlot
  3. Foley
  4. Apprentice
  5. Surge
  6. Centuries
  7. PokemonKidRyan
  8. CRichard564
  9. EliThePsycho
  10. Wazza
  11. Boss110
  12. ridin_with_biden
  13. Mercenary
  14. an_gorta_pratai
  15. Tyron
  16. TheBlueElixir
  17. Marshal


  1. Arete
  2. Chloe
  3. Zone_Q11
  4. Vulgard
  5. Insanity
  6. ATNoName
  7. katze
  8. Sulit
  9. Alice


  1. DatBird (informed)
  2. thepigeonnyc (informed)
  3. Trochilidae (informed)
  4. ash4fun (informed)
  5. Conduit (informed)
  6. astand (informed)
  7. Soulshade55r (reluctantly informed :P)
  8. Miyokari (informed)
  9. Amelia (informed)

are the people being roleblocked informed, the roleblocker themselves, or both when it comes to feedback?

Roleblocker is uninformed, roleblocked is informed if they would usually get feedback.


…formed spectator

i will regret joining this 36/18 hellscape


oh gotcha so like normal

/informed spec

you will rand wolf and post less than 36/18 times per day

/informed spec
i’d love to play but i’m in far too many things rn


spec gang

1 Like

oh hey welcome to the forums pigeon!

…must…not…give in…

but seriously this looks really cool, I wish I could but I’m literally swamped with school :/

I’ll /informed spec though.

Also if I’m less busy and this somehow doesn’t fill I might in

woohoo 5 specs

lmao its gonna be one of those games

i will rand neut and get quintuple kill% public dayvigged actually
get it right

i wanna join but if i rand wolf this will be the end of me

also unsure of how busy i will be

backup for now

if some of my things end i won’t be able to resist inning though you know how i am lmao