oh wow
if all the specs inned we’d be full
a bell toils out
in the distance, screaming
a church bell fell, killing 7 and injuring 4
Putting pepega in can’t be that bad, right?
no comment
…goes to run an alt scan on you and Pepega
(this is a joke)
I don’t think you’ll catch pepega since you didn’t catch DybuDabu.
better yet: pepegayaya
No thanks
wow ouch
joypega: the ultimate alt
i’ve just been topped
the worst/best thing i have ever seen on these forums
Wasn’t gonna in because SmoothBrainPepega was annoying af, but why not. /in
Keep in mind I don’t know what the hell Harry Potter is (I do but I don’t know literally anything to do with it)
Luckily they have been removed.
Special just means that the game has special mechanics, e.g. four phases, mini-games, etc.
Standard means that the setup is simply a closed setup.
In other words: Standard Mountainous could exist.
…wait. I remember this being a real thing.
EDIT: Here we go.
don’t really want to multitable