Harry Potter FM - Signups [17/17]



rand neut powers activate

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tbh i was considering it either way

but there’s enough backups as is


by me slanking i dont mean im not actually going to play


im going to play much less than my hyper norm

but I shouldnt be battling the post minimum or whatnot

@Italy are you here

nvm you arent needed

Chaotic Evil


WYM better end already
i don’t think it can yet

that’s cold
ping me and then reveal you didn’t need me

oh lit we’re full even with all the specs nerd

I just had to search nearly 300 posts to find out who I was missing from the playerlist to make it 17

thanks gorta

Start date will be. . .

pfft I dunno

I will leave this open in case anyone else wants to spectate or be my eighth backup.
@Miyokari did you want to be an informed spectator (know who the scum is) or an uninformed spectator? (All the fun, none of the responsibility)

when will classcards be?

I will probably rand them tonight and then just send em out before gamestart

nooooooo you’re going to make me wait :frowning:

Why, you want me to rig it?

no I just wanna know what I am

/modkill Apprentice

Apprentice has died! They were. . .

Impatient leave me alone I just got done with work