Harry Potter FM - Signups [17/17]

I just said keep me there

Worst case I change my mind later and dm you :joy_cat:

this isn’t an odd number either
it’s a nice number

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discobot locktown

Trochi LockWolf, finally.

trochi lock IMPASTA

vote trochi for free towncred
if trochi doesn’t self vote and ate it’s a policy lynch

Self vote and ate is unhealthy as shit

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i hope you realize that was a joke shitnugget

Do you want me to make a callout post on twitter dot com

do it i probably need that right about now


Remember to self vote and AtE.
I’ll defend you.

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Crockpot is Town.
I seen him visit Geyde last night.
Geyde was Mafia.

Alice: He’s claiming Doctor…

My point exactly!

There will be probably be lots of Expelliarmus references in thread LUL.

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wait a minute

all these informed specs
what about OUTformed specs


Considering everyone is informed… You can make me informed too

oh 17/17 does that mean its gonna start or already started