Harry Potter FM - Signups [17/17]

mmmm sounds delicious
s l o r p

trochi you cant just say these words please dont

who are you to stop me
i can easily be more cursed

im not telling you to stop

im suggesting you do

i suggest otherwise ; )

Bruh this is such a gamethrow.

still better than the mist ITA

Seriously that ITA is even worse than the Mist ITA in Wild West.

mindmeld lmao CRich is locktown


As WYM has ended @Aelin you have the power to start this game when you are ready

Okie dokie

why didn’t WYM end an hour earlier oof


Because reasons.

I did a Harry Potter FM on another site like around 7 months ago and got Ron Wesley and I was scum Aligned.

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I was a Tracker

Setups with cool flavor and standard roles are depressing.

Like oh nice I’m Voldemort master of evil! What’s that? I’m a 1-shot Tracker? Why tf did you give me cool flavor then

at least make it a one shot dayvig smh

are rolecards being handed out

Yeah but only town got them good job lock wolf :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:

(Jk I don’t think they have yet)

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