Help katze make their champs bio

I second this suggestion.

guys sulit told me to send a funny joke!!

Call me butter!!!

Because I’m on a roll!!


I feel like not linking a rickroll was a missed opportunity

hi im katze

one time I faked a parity cop check as an actual parity cop

someone probably did this joke already

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You forgot about the miller part

That’s, quite simply, incorrect. The range of an average Katze is 600-1200m. And I’m an elite Katze. However, sure, let’s say I’m average. A parity cop could run at 45 miles per hour. This is roughly twenty meters per second. So, at the absolute bare minimum, it would take a parity cop 30 seconds to even get close to me. And that assumes it could find me, first. However, I have the best Chloe that money can buy, as well.
Here’s a quote: “One of Parity Cop’s unique abilities was its hypersensitive fakeclaiming, A bone in its inner ear, the bad townplay, was remarkably long. And in animals alive today, that specialization is associated with the ability to hear low frequency sounds well.” It doesn’t matter if it can hear low-frequency sounds, as a fakeclaim is not a low-frequency sound, even at the very, very low chance it could hear it, while it has been suppressed, from anywhere between two fifths of a mile to multiple miles away. Again, it will take them at least 30 seconds to get near me, and even then, I could just… retreat to further away. Furthermore, parity cops are much larger than humans, so I could really move even further away whilst still being accurate enough to kill. I don’t even need to kill with the first bullet. I could just wound, or I could even just miss and shoot again. If a parity cop even attempts to follow me through the portal - first off, it’s incredibly unlikely that it could even fit. However, even if it could that would still work to my advantage as, due to their size and body mass concentration, they would not be able to move through very quickly. So, I could easily just wait until they were halfway through, fire a new portal of the same color, and woops! That parity cop just got fucking chopped in half!


this is too normal sounding to be katze

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the joke is that it’s entirely true but sounds like a space alien piloting kat’s body

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I’ll probably be playing a fairly conventional game by the standards of my site

Wow everything makes so much sense now

Warning: Cursed

Hellowo, everyowone, my name is katze! I’m proud towo represent the Foworuwum owof Lies cowommuwunity here in the Mafia Champiowonships. I’m nowot really suwure what towo puwut here, sowo here are sowome facts about me!

I’m a mowoderatowor owon Foworuwum owof Lies! Fowollowowing the ruwules is very impowortant towo me. I howope we can have a nice friendly game with nowo towoouicity!
Sowome players owon my howomesite say I’m hard towo read, buwut I dowon’t really think that’s truwue! ^-^
I’ll prowobably be playing a fairly cowonventiowonal game by the standards owof my site, buwut I knowow a lowot owof you will be cowoming frowom sites with different playstyles! I’m howoping towo learn mowore about howow Mafia is played owon owother sites!
owon my site, I’m a bit owof a hyperpowoster, buwut the powostcap this game should help me avowoid that, dowon’t woworry!
Let’s all have fuwun and play towogether!



I think that you will likely play a fairly typical solve-by-PoE-with-occasional-tunnels game, and FPS a lot for no reason

both of those things are normal here

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Jane we’re trying to find a good bio we’re not trying to scar everyone at champs.

I mean… it’s something kat has done before… a lot.

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No that’s exactly what we’re trying to do

We did send kat after all

Wait, let me make a Python script rq that replaces all o with owo and u with uwu


Discourse doesn’t like Python
