Help katze make their champs bio

What, it was quick to make

Jane, you’re a monster for not changing this

I didn’t change any of the “ou”'s.

Should I make that a thing in my Python script?

Anyways we’re forcing Kat to use this for champs now

The issue is it doesn’t allow
You to intentionally make multiple lines
I could fix that by making it a Discord bot though

whoever said you should just link this thread in your bio, I agree


You’re my new favorite forumer

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You will go on to do great things

I know C

Discourse likes C?

If that’s the problem isn’t it just

  1. Write in WordPad
  2. ctrl+c
  3. ctrl+v in the terminal


Code in .py form available at Discord, .exe form available at Discord

[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] no

if you’re still accepting recommendations then:

she’s a real gamer because she knows Billy Herrington
the rest is irrelevant don’t read it

hi my name is katze

and i’m very wise

i live in sus town

im a clown

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also i forgot to make this clear

wise has to be pronounced (wi-zEH)


Even in a thread helping katze write a bio nobody knows how to pronounce katze