Help me with feedback/advice on my SFoL setup

@Magnus just in case you wanted to talk

Please don’t.

Like Hitman, heroine/hero, Hired Hand, Desperado could all work

i want something with a positive connotation so heroine it is

Desperado is super positive

i wanted something female so i’ll stick with heroine

Desperado GOAT name
Claim self resolving d1 to soft to king

Scum in this game should not have names with negative connotations

Hes learned his lesson thats why hes claiming self resolving

But hero from smash is evil and should be banned


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u lucky u had that /s, otherwise those were fighting words

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What if they aren’t

they aint fighting words?

Well yes but actually no

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I meant to use a phrase that would cast doubt on my /s, but tbh I’m not a fighter

oh you monster

me neither. I just like dragon quest

I like dragon quest also

But I’ve been hit by a 1% thwack twice


making a new thread with all the classcards I’ve created to reduce clutter, feel free to delete this one after if you’d like

No reason to delete good discussions :eyes:

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