Hidden prince nerf?

If any high iq players were paying attention they might have noticed that prince has lost a few very important things that used to be in his prison cell: rats. The removal of the prince’s rats in his cell is a detriment to his class as it no longer pressures the prisoner with psychological torture.The devs never mentioned this in the patchnotes for some reason even though I believe it to be of utmost importance. I would like to see the documentation and reasoning for this drastic change if it is available. Not only does it hurt prince’s leverage over his prisoners it also ruins my immersion. #Bring back the bad rats


This makes prince too underpowered, buff the pronce pls xblade or I riot and go sea lion somewhere else.


agreed this cannot stand… it is litterally unplayable now. as compensation for this critical oversight, I demand cockroaches, bats, and smallpox in the jailcells.

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people who get jailed should be bitten by the rats and get bubonic plague

for muh immersion


I always forced my prisoners to eat the rats. Now I cannot do so. How am I supposed to get claims from prisoners w/o the rodents?

This also works the other way around, as a prisoner petting the rat was the only thing that made me stay calm and avoid spilling the beans about my unseen friends.


That was why I was jailed and felt no pressure at all.

Best thread ever.

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