Hippo's Community Roast Mafia: Hippo's Farewell [Everyone Wins!]

Nooooo celeste

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up 2 u if you want to reroll

If re-rolled, we make a 17th slot by adding a random BD/random Neut

you choose Celeste

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Rip Celeste.

I predict that Celeste will choose reroll

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Visit me tonight memesky :wink:
Nah visit Margaret because she obv rolled Hippo
/unvote /vote Squid

Rerolling is fun

Nah bitch you lose, because of:


Why does no one want to policy lynch Alfa ._.


/Vote otb

Okay re-rolling, we’ll use the same PMs to deliver class cards

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I will change your title to defeated scum m8, don’t test me

My deity powers are so strong I needed two slots and gobbled up the other Pm and ate it and erased Livicus’s memory

Legit or no?

Wait why u do dis.

Thats mod abuse :cry:


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Fun fact: Hippos are nice

Oh no plz (Tbh, I don’t like my current card, rip)

I am secretly Yasuhiro Hagakure except twice as useless

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But you’re not a mod, i’m not abusing any of the mods :thinking: