Homestuck FM - Dead chat

what is lp?

le lynchproof meme

wtf is scumchat up to

can you still spectate or are you wondering why they aren’t quickhammering?

nah its not that

its just


oh you’re spectating it

I want one of my mates to lose so bad just forwhat he’s doing RN LMFAOO

no posting on lylo as scum

where do kyo be at tho

scum team is hammer, kyo, and simon haha

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6 Mafia, 2 Neutrals in an 18 Player Setup is not balanced.

Unless you like buff town allot

btw who the heck vig’d mode

we dont have 6 starting scum

or 5 either


they have conversion

and a backup CL :eyes:

nah its lamer than that

I still dont understand where either bleeds or the dk comes from btw lmao

How’s it LYLO?
You have an Arsonist? Lol

Is Kyo your mafia?

I’m not giving names :^)