Homestuck FM - Dead chat

something like that yeahh

if maf loses for trying to slowroll, they deserve it


i mean

i probably dont deserve losing this :^)

i did a fine job in thread 2

would be kinda mad

No I Caught you.
Caught Scum.

kyo silent vigging mode as town is such an alpha move

we probably lose

despair gang


holy fucking shit

ily kyo


there are some very broken roles in this game :^)

maf gonna lose for trying to slowroll ayaya


i’d be so hype lmfao

i kinda do be mad at pkr tbh

PKR is in thread and doesn’t hammer LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO

hammerperson had me pocketedish but I knew my reads probably really fucking sucked so I suggested a NL

unless Cent is lying but I really hope so

if we were winning id be a litlte more

you know

happy :^)

tbh I kind of didn’t really try this game I replaced in fucked around and heroshot some rando nerd

could have probably done better if i tryharded


I kinda just was in this game and that’s a thing

my stance on hammer was basically “you haven’t done anything scummy, but I think you’re much better than your letting on and the fact that you haven’t stepped up and done much makes me think you might be scum”

I wanted to get a neighborhood with hammer so I could out as neut to them

morale of the story

dont slowroll “because i didnt have fun in a while”

was that the reason… oof

pkr LyLo GOAT