Homestuck FM - Dead chat

Great. Now we have to hope that Appel doesn’t get on in time or that he makes a mistake and that Mist doesn’t.

fun fact

…Appel seems to have just got on

How the hell did you expect more people to be alive with 2 KPNs for scum, a scum with a rampager, an SK with a rampager, whatever fucking type of dayvig Kyo is, and ONE single doctor?

both town and scum RB’s

…I take this as confirmation.
In your face, @Marshal

Why the heck would you ever believe that town are competent enough to use those on the right people…? So far, only Kyo seems to be the best user of his abili–

Hold the phone. I used Red Miles. Everyone who visits my target gets killed. Kyo redirected my target to myself. Kyo visited me. How is Kyo not dead?

redirection no visit :stuck_out_tongue:

…truth. More complaints from me, I suppose.

How the hell does redirection not count as a visit? Does he also have that passive?

…redirection isn’t a visit
at least in this case
…would you count mind control as a visit

Not really. For a game to pass, it must go through the reviewer. So… this is sulit’s fault.

For me it was more fun to betray Leafia than it was to play the game. Especially when I don’t even know what was going on most of the time. And I am pretty sure that betraying Leafia doesn’t have anything to do with the setup…

Yes I would. I can’t believe redirection doesn’t count as a visit… did you at least say in Kyo’s ability description that it doesn’t count as a visit?


checking time

force them to act on your second target if they can

…i still fail to see why this is a visit

First of all: Three?
Secondly: That’s where I use the “this is too good to be true” argument.

IC + masons


Bloody hell, at this rate you might as well call every visit a ninja then.

…ah, right. gorta. …yep. I say this game was unbalanced as hell alright.

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someone’s controlling your mind

what are you gonna do about it

stab your head?

after lots of talking with specs
I realized i probably should’ve beefed up your role a lot more
with redirection immune at least
…sorry about that