Homestuck FM - Dead chat

Cheese dont ruin my dreams


does anyone know who “Maxi” is


there’s a legit maxi aswell isnt there

maxi is maximusprime yes

maxi pretty gamer

Also if they’re an alt they have to tell you who they are anyway so yeah

i told them they didn’t have to

alts don’t have to tell hosts, only altmods

unless the hosts like request it

oh well theres that

we didn’t know who Estel was (well we did know arete was on an alt because we couldn’t ask arete to do anything game-sensetive and dat told us as much)

because I don’t really care if someone is an alt as a host

and if we dont attack Mist but attack PKR

Scum wins this 100% right

Not true. If votes are tied between Kyo and Simon, I believe it rands.

not this game

There’s no more option for nolynch.

tie vote is noexe for this game

Even after D3? It says in the OP that the option to noexe doesn’t exist after N2, and having a tie vote be a nolynch is literally the same as having a noexe option.

here it is from op

@clonedcheese Could you please let us know what happens with a tie vote now that it’s D3?

Oh. That’s a bit stupid. So it does still have a no exe option even now.

only tie is noexe and it’s different from killing the host