Homestuck FM - Dead chat

Three interesting fun facts about me.

1: Leafeon isn’t my favorite pokemon.
2: Leafeon is actually my second favorite Eeveelution. My favorite Eeveelution is Sylveon.
3: My favorite pokemon is actually female Meowstics.

idk who 4444 is

mathmods isn’t an alt

4444 is my alt

We have 2KPN but we have to sacc 1 KPN for scum not to kill itself

Faction Kill + Dayvig

As long as Simon survives then we probably win?

4444 is an alt?

simon survives if appel refuses to vote for him

Scum wins if they play smart with night actions

Simon likes to do mech play

it’s like HIS THING

no way he doesnt figure that out

we have 1 shot omni busdriver

we just have to use it

thats it

likely so

@clonedcheese who is
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I’m confused why you can’t just kill Kyo and someone else to win

(it looks cooler on light theme which is cheese’s theme btw

kyo can make people self target right

so basically we have to bd away from him

oh yeah that’s a thing

What’s gonna happen

Simon doesn’t die

Simon is gonna get targetted by Kyo

Appel BDs 4 & Simon

4 Bleeds himself

Simon attacks Kyo

we win in the long run



give me time to ask datmod

That’s like THE PLAN we don’t even have to kill afterwards and Mist probably outs as PGO next day

We can just kill PKR and it comes down to 1v1 and scum wins

That’s like the perfect plan and it’s amazing someone as mech illiterate as me can come up with this FOOLPROOFtm plan