Homestuck FM - Informed Spec Chat

also you guys are massive fucking nerds

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like imma call up my friend arete and tell them that they’ve been replaced

homestuck is nerdier than arete

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what was your favourite moment in Act 5 Act 1? mine was when troll romance was simple to understand!

;-; ;-; ;-;

the part where i knocked myself out bashing my head into my desk because andrew explained all of troll romance in one page

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5/1 was decent but not the best

favorite moment: 6I2 - “Penis Oujia”

Absolute masterpiece that will be featured today

penis ouija is a work of art

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my favorite moment was 6/9 - “Nice”

if you don’t laugh at the above joke you’re a nerd
if you do laugh at it you’re also a nerd

ackshually that’s called Act 6 Act 6 Act 3

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o wait i should eat lunch

its almost 1


sulit am i gonna get you fired
im scared

i still want to know why both factions have more kill power than the lone serial killer


but i will




you’re going down sulit

it takes more than that to get fired
and i don’t think sulit has recently passed the review of both a zero rules setup and the lying darkness

oh no

how to keep your reviewer not fired

step 1: does the NK win d1?
step 2: does the game even?