Homestuck FM - Informed Spec Chat

kyo shot zone

rip underpowered NK

I’m assuming Zone has made himself immune to everything, including the lynch at the consequence of revealing he’s not Town to somebody.
Oh my.

I like how this man thinks lmao

centuries is about to get gamered on by mod communication



i said “oh eoN2/soN3”

and i corrected it to eoN2/soD3

…which was the intent

oh is he actually bled


… would announcing “this host does not consider typos to be moderrors” be too telling



kind of? probably?

you can prob ask sulit in vc since lolreviewer

looks at VC



oh yeah uh

maybe DM her


i can tell her to check her DMs if you want

i can make it sound MC related or some shit since if you say it it might look :eyes:


ill just let this resolve on their own

kyo is the sketchiest person on planet earth and probably should not have been given supervig miller

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Man Arete would have loved this event :^)

buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo

kyo’s claiming day lie detector
outstanding move

kyos play makes literally zero sense as any alignment

which is why people should probably realize hes a villager

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can’t wait for kyo to be forced to out day 3, rendering this WiFoM fuckery completely pointless


apprentice can suicide and be saved from his incoming demise now

i’m not entirely sure why cloned gave a majority system to a split thread game