Homestuck FM - Informed Spec Chat

especially 50/50 misfires

thats just


will kyo be able to dayvig

i feel like hes gonna shoot wrong

it’s not lylo
a mafia just died
hecking nerds

theres 3 mafia alive

hecking nerd


appel got :b:onverted


@clonedcheese you shouldn’t really need a quote when you literally modconfirmed someone’s flavor

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you did confirm their exact role + flavor so i think it wouldn’t be that unlikely for them to be claimviggable


Im dumb

its ok kyos gonna vig 4444


this sounds like a pretty kyo thing to do at this point

by the way italy

did you hear about the ITA turbo

your fellow texan is a very poor shot

Is mafia wincon parity or killing all town?

i saw the grand idea class
he was already proven to be a worse shot than i was but

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given lylo id assume parity

there’s lylo with a powerful vig and a bleeder so almost definitely parity

Techically kill all town

But game will end when they cant be stopped from doing it

…so parity i think

would this even be LyLo then

dont wolves only have 1 factional

town have more KP than wolves atm

this would only be MyLo i think

Which means Kyo can kill mafia even after the mislynch?
Could be a technical way for town to win?

Also anti-claiming based on moderorred mason flip is absurd.