Homestuck FM - Informed Spec Chat

i fixed


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i’m pretty sure it’s just gamethrowing

Also flavor-wise year 3 has ended, but meh.


i mean yeah it kind of is

which is why im suggesting to treestump instead if they insist on the victorious neutral still existing

That’s bad design since they can just lolcat/spam and be a nuisance.

i don’t disagree with it being suboptimal

but cheese seems interested in having victorious neutrals still playing

and having them become VT is worse than treestumping imo, especially since you can just unstump them if you gotta

So it’s MYLO now?

Lilith in Starlight (Passive): You are passionately in love with another player. As such, you know that fourfourfourfour has the same alignment as you.

Name should have been redacted from the flip.

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aren’t they loverized

shouldnt 4444 be dead

I think being in love is just flavor.

too late

…I miscounted.

Is it in LYLO?

…that was not updated

after review that got switched to just knowing each others’ roles

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I think it’s 7/18 alive now, so would be LYLO.
Was 11 and 4 flips.

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also lol

the bus drives got hammer bled

and somehow appel dodged mist

Seer of Light (Day): As the seer of light, you can see the optimal course of action that will lead you to victory. Once each day, you can ask the hosts to reveal to you how many people within the top 3 wagons oppose your faction; however, you will not learn which result is from which player. If there is a tie, the tied players will register as one player not opposing your faction. 3 uses.

This sounds super strong actually.

very strong

but also kinda cool

dont think ive ever seen a lynchcop

might be more common offsite tho

…originally I had an event

where ITA’s would be 50/50 with either you dying or them dying

…logic tells me that i need to suspend this

ITAs in lylo are :eyes: