Homestuck FM - Informed Spec Chat

this is just townaly with extra steps

…well that’s not what i said would happen

thankfully strongman doesn’t exist in this game :stuck_out_tongue:

or was it investaly
i’m too sleep deprived to know

A town class being godfather doesnt work, as they already are town, why do they need to appear as town. Like sure they sometimes miller, but thats just even night miller

delays delay the same things that heals can heal

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but that doesnt fit the meme

I just assumed they can’t be framed on Even nights.

…i told leafia that strongman gets delayed, but cannot be healed or redirected during the delayed 2 nights

well that’s how it’s gonna work in my games now :stuck_out_tongue:

Just answer things as vaguely as possible and blame them for not understanding.

Never moderror again ez.

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reminder that “hated hated hated hated hated hated hated dayvig nightvig compulsive day 2 guilty child” is indeed a thing

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…the fuck is this


What are you thoughts about the game so far, kat?

ive only read leafias iso

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It’s Investaly

Read L1ght ISO.

It’s hilarious, trust me.

Super hated day/night novice guilty child


kat please?

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was distracted sorry

thats quite the ISO

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i wanna read