SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2


Italy the Catgirl :shield: :fire:

Neutral Killer
God damn it i’m a catgirl again (Passive) - Immune to death at night, occupation and target changing. In addition you are immune to bleeding and will be informed upon being bled. You will be a member of La Soleil Cafe.
Are we really doing this meme? (Passive) - Once per night you may guess a player’s class name. If you are correct you will empower your Main Ability to bypass protections. This passive will be disabled if you guess incorrectly twice. Cannot Target the King, nor can target the same person after a successful guess. You appear as Felix Argyle to all investigative abilities.
Petty (Passive) - If an occupying ability is used on you, Gossip will see that you were occupied, even though you are immune.
Walking Bomb (Day) - Place a bomb on target player. - Infinite uses :crown:
Funeral Pyre (Night) - Set your target ablaze, killing them.
Detonate (Night) - All players with a bomb active will explode bypassing death immunity. This does not count as a visit. - 2 uses :crown:
Your objective is to defeat all main factions.



The Lying Darkness, but a catgirl :shield: :crossed_swords:

In Rokugan, name and history is everything. A samurai is defined by their family and clan. Their deeds only matter in the context of how they effect those ideals. The Lying Darkness strips all that away, leaving the samurai with nothing.
Neutral Killer
“Seven Thunders entered the Shadowlands. One returned.”
Named, not Tamed (Passive) - At the start of the game, it will be publicly informed that “Akodo is watching your every step, from all clans alike”.
Faceless (Passive) - You will appear as a member of the uninformed majority (random class of that faction from the GI thread) to investigative checks from the uninformed majority. You will appear as an informed minority lost wolf (random class of that faction from the GI thread with a lost wolf modifier) to investigative checks from the informed minority/informed minorities.
Shadow Corruption (Passive) - You know the effects of the Shadow Corruption, who is Shadow Corrupted and the degree of Shadow Corruption they possess at all times. The Shadow Corruption has three degrees. If someone already has the Shadow Corruption, they will gain a new degree every time an even day starts.
In the first degree, nothing happens. In the second degree, all abilities and passives they have will be disabled. In the third degree, they will die, their flip will be cleaned, and they will be prevented from joining the Dead Chat. You will be given their original rolecard, and any further rolecards they had throughout the game (if they were converted, for instance).
Aditionally, you are immune to the Shadow Corruption. Finally, if someone claims at least one of the following: flavor, class type, role type, ability/abilities; they will be Corrupted automatically.
The only people informed of being Corrupted are the ones who start the game Corrupted.
La Soleil Cafe (Passive) - You share a neighborhood with all other catgirls. This neighborhood is called La Soleil Cafe. All catgirls will begin the game with Shadow Corruption, and will count as having claimed for your win condition.
Dangerous Deal (Day) - Make an offer to a player. “Darkness wants to embrace you. If you accept, you will be [effect]. Be careful, though, that dealing with the Nothing is dangerous business. You have 24 hours to decide if you accept it or not. Do you accept?”
The following effects are disponible. Choose one to offer:
-Immune to attacks tonight
-Cleaned from all Bleeding
-Given an alignment peek
-Given a gun
-Aware from all feedback on you for the remainder of the day.
-Shown as a member of the uninformed majority to all checks tonight.
You will know whether they accepted, refused or did not answer to the request. If they accept, they will gain the benefit and one degree of the Shadow Corruption. If they refuse, they will not gain the benefit and the Shadow Corruption. If they don’t answer, they will not gain the benefit and will gain one degree of the Shadow Corruption.
If someone already has a degree of Corruption, you may give them more than one benefit in any subsequent Dangerous Deals. You can’t target anyone who is immune to the Corruption with this ability.
Direct Elimination (Night) - Select a player to kill. You can choose between one of the following effects: You can’t be seen by any trackers or watchers tonight, you will be bulletproof tonight, you can’t be roleblocked or redirected tonight, the target of the kill can’t be healed or protected tonight.
If they have claimed flavor, class type, role type, or ability/abilities, you can choose two effects instead of one.
Win Conditions: Only one of those need to be completed.
- All players are dead.
- All players but you are dead.
- All alive players possess the Shadow Corruption.
- All alive players but you possess the Shadow Corruption.
- Half of the game (rounded up) has claimed at least one of the following: flavor, class type, role type, ability/abilities.
When you win, everyone else loses, regardless if they have already completed their win condition. The game won’t end if you are still alive. You can win even if you are dead.



The Nuclear Option

Blue Dragon Killer

Fuck this shit (Day) - Only usable when somebody posts some wack ass shit that deserves cleansing by fire. Kill yourself and the offender(s) bypassing everything. If you cheese this shit you are modkilled - 1 Use

Defeat all scum and harmful neutrals.



Wolfaly :shield:

Mafia Depressed [Killer]
Shattered Will (Passive) - After playing scum for 4 games in a row, your will to live has been completely shattered. You will be modrevealed as a member of the Mafia at the start of day 2, and only require one vote to be lynched. No matter what rules the host has in place, you may vote yourself.
Without Fail (Day) - Once again, Italy has a gun. Nobody could’ve predicted this. Kill a player, any player. Even if abilities cannot be used, you can use this ability day one. - Infinite Uses
Without Fail (Night) - Once again, Italy has a gun. Nobody could’ve predicted this. Pick a player, they die. - Infinite Uses
Defeat the uninformed majority.



Geyde pisses on the moon in the Shuri rp discord vc

Blue Dragon Killer

Super Laser Piss (Night) - Kill a player bypassing night immunity. Only usable after someone makes fun of you on the previous day and only active on odd nights. - Infinite Uses

Defeat all scum and harmful neutrals.



Townaly :shield:

Blue Dragon Killer
Insanely hard to kill (Passive) - You are death immune once. Additionally, all protective abilities will last for two nights instead of one when used on you.
Hard to read (Passive) - You have a 33% chance to appear as Neutral, Mafia, or Blue Dragon to investigatives. All classes who have investigative flavor of “reading” a player will always see you as Mafia.
Without fail (Day) - You have a gun. Again. Once per day, you may submit a dayvig in thread. You can type anything, such as /falconpunch and /dayvig. The name does not matter so long as you make your intent to kill clear. - Infinite Uses
Italy’s Wrath (Day) - Only usable while dead. Select a player. They die immediately. If you kill someone who is not aligned with the Blue Dragon, there will be a second lynch today. This disables Italy’s Wrath (Night) - 1 Use
Italy’s Wrath (Night) Only usable while dead. Select a player. They will die at the end of the night, bypassing everything. If you kill someone who is not aligned with the Blue Dragon, Italy’s Wrath (Day) will not be disabled. This disables Italy’s Wrath (Day) - 1 Use
Standard Blue Dragon wincon.



The hero we needed

Blue Dragon Killer
Die (Passive) - Once per game, if you quote any player’s post, and say “Die”, they will die instantly. This cannot be stopped by any means.

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Neutral Banana [social]
lol (Passive) - Can mimic any ability on the GI thread as long as it doesn’t kill/convert/block/redirect.

Make sure game lasts until day 6.



not The hero we needed

Blue Dragon Killer
Die (Passive) - Once per game, if you say “Die”, you will die instantly. This cannot be stopped by any means.



Princaly :shield: :fire:

Blue Dragon Killer
Please send help (Passive) - You have the exact same abilities and passives as The Prince, but your Imprison will fail Night 2, Night 3, Night 4, and Night 5. The person with this class will instead believe they are The Prince, but will still flip as Princaly upon death.
Lucky (Passive) - The first two times you are attacked, your attacker will be occupied.
Standard Blue Dragon wincon



[name of the setup] - Day 3: Scum win!

Blue Dragon Special
OMGUS (Passive): If you vote somebody who is voting you, your vote will silently not count. Additionally, you will kill any players who use an investigative ability on you, bypassing everything.
Hero (Passive): If any player is mechanically proven to be a part of the uninformed majority at any point, compulsively dayvig them. Additionally, you must post more than 250 posts a day, or you will be modkilled. Finally, you compulsively use a night ability every night.
/detonate (Passive): You will compulsively detonate the player below you on the player list at a random time during the day. There is a one day cooldown between detonations. (D1, D3, etc)
Selfvote and AtE (Day) : Compulsively used if you are being voted for a good reason. Vote for yourself and AtE (Appeal to Emotion). The amount of votes needed to execute you by majority will silently increase or decrease by one, depending on the quality of the AtE. If you are executed today, all members of the uninformed majority who voted you will be redirected to themselves tonight, bypassing immunity - infinite uses
Mechanics > Reads? (Night): The host will give you a deliberately confusing piece of information in riddle form. This information has a 50% chance of being false. Only usable on odd nights. - infinite uses
Heroshot (Night): Kill a player. You do not select a target, the host randomly generates one for you. You will not be informed who you kill. Only usable on even nights. - infinite uses
Town wincondition



The great purge

  1. If this slot rolls, msg eevee.

  2. He will go through whole Grand Idea Thread and delete all gamebreaking / unfun / insta winning role ideas and ban theirs authors.

  3. Remove banned people from game

  4. Reroll roles from after-purge for everyone who staied in the game

  5. Reroll this slot.


Post 806

The Lying Darkness But It’s Actually Lying This Time

Neutral Special

fuck u (Passive) - On Day 1, you will believe you are a random Lying Darkness class from the GI thread (host’s choice). On Night 1, you will be transformed into one of three “haha screw you” classes listed below. Because anybody lucky enough to rand Lying Darkness deserves to have paranoia enforced on them.

Become a Blue Dragon class and win the game.

Pro™ Mafia™ Gamer™ Power™ Role™

Blue Dragon Special

Too Pro (Passive) - If you would be converted, you will become a random convert for the faction who converted you, because this role is too Pro to be in the hands of wolves.

Epic Gladiate (Day) - Choose a player. Only you or them may be voted today. This overrides all other Grand Trials and other such effects. This may only be used on players who have been publicly revealed to be a member of the Blue Dragon - 1 use.

Epic Parity Cop (Night) - Choose a player. You will learn if they are the same allignment as the last person you targeted with this ability. - 1 use, we wouldn’t want this to be too strong!

You win when all threats to the uninformed minority have been eliminated.


Blue Dragon Killer

haha (Passive) - Okay, so here’s the deal. You know how you thought you were Lying Darkness, and you had to make everybody claim to win? Yeah, here’s the thing. If half the game, rounded up, has claimed according to Lying Darkness restrictions, you will die. But I figure that your death is probably a bit too easy, so in addition all Blue Dragon and Town members will be unstoppably roleblocked the night after you “win” as the Lying Darkness. So yeah. Have fun with that, asshole. On the plus side, you’re immune to conversion, and this role cannot be changed any further.

You win when all threats to the uninformed majority have been eliminated.



Gamer (Gamer) - Gamer. [Translation: you’re a hated VT. have fun with that].




Nominative Determinist

Blue Dragon Investigative

Nominative Determinism (Passive) - After rand but before classes are given, all classes named after a player actually in the game will be given to their respective players. If this would be impossible due to duplicates, remove a random duplicate of a player’s name and rerand it. If you are in the game, all factions that could be considered an informed minority will be informed that you are in the game. If there are no classes that have the same name as a player in the game, treat this classcard as if it was a Sheriff classcard. You will convert into Nightwatch if converted by the Unseen.

You win when all threats to the uninformed majority have been eliminated.




Demon Killing

We Are Legion (Passive) - Before the game begins, exactly 2/3rds of the game will be converted into an exact copy of this classcard. This is gaurenteed to cover all classes that are not uninformed majority. If a Legion would die, it will flip as the class it was originally meant to be. You are aware of the class you were originally meant to be, and of all other Legion members.

Mob Mentality (Passive) - If there is exactly 1 or 0 non-Legion votes on a player when they would be lynched, they will instead not die.

Fraying Connection (Night) - At least one member of the Legion must use this every night. Kill a Legion player. - Infinite uses.

You win when all non-Legion players are dead.



The Shacklewright

Demon Killer
The Demon (Passive) - You are a member of the informed minority and will join their nightchat. If you die, the informed minority will instantly lose. If you win, the informed minority will win.
Demonic Bonds (Day) - Choose any number of players. Tonight, they will share a chat where they can either submit a true night target (NOT their action) or feign night targets. If anyone within this chat dies tomorrow, everyone else will also die in it.

Be one of the last 2 players alive or achieve parity with the Town.




Blue Dragon Social
DOWN WITH THE BOURGEOUSI (Passive) - All immunity bypassing abilities and inherent immunity based passives are disabled, even after your death.
Uproot the System (Passive) - Any class rolled after this one can be of any alignment, up to the mod’s choice.

Defeat the Scum and harmful neutrals.


Plague Doctor Italy

Neutral Killer
Hidden Cat Ears (Passive) - You appear to be a member of the Blue Dragon to investigative abilities.
Wearing a mask over a mask (Passive) - You are occupation immune, redirection immune, death immune and bleed immune. You will be informed if any of these immunities have triggered.
I am the cure (Day) - Cure a player of life (basically; they die) - 1 Use
Bad reference (Night) - Infect a player with the plague. Infected players will also infect everyone they visit and everyone who visits them. If everyone (you are not required) alive is infected, the host will announce “A terrible plague sweeps through the town…” and everyone else will lose their passives permanently. When everyone else is infected, this ability will instead kill its target bypassing protection. While everyone else is infected:
Your immunities cannot be bypassed (You can only be killed by lynch, no exceptions.)
If you are imprisoned in any way, the person who has imprisoned you will die.
You will kill everyone who visits you
You will kill everyone who visits your target
Your attacks bypass all immunities and protections
You can bypass prevention (example: Prince’s Imprison)
Defeat all main factions.

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Plague Doctor Italy, but a catgirl

Neutral Killer

Cat Ears (Passive) - You will be part of La Soleil Cafe.
Wearing a mask over a mask (Passive) - You are occupation immune, redirection immune, death immune and bleed immune. You will be informed if any of these immunities have triggered.
I am the cure (Day) - Cure a player of life (basically; they die) - 1 Use
Bad reference (Night) - Infect a player with the plague. Infected players will also infect everyone they visit and everyone who visits them. If everyone (you are not required) is infected, the host will announce “A terrible plague sweeps through the town…” and everyone else will lose their passives permanently. When everyone else is infected, this ability will instead kill its target bypassing protection. While everyone else is infected:
Your immunities cannot be bypassed (You can only be killed by lynch, no exceptions.)
If you are imprisoned in any way, the person who has imprisoned you will die.
You will kill everyone who visits you
You will kill everyone who visits your target
Your attacks bypass all immunities and protections
You can bypass prevention (example: Prince’s Imprison)




Town Baguette [Social]

I surrender! (Passive): You require one less vote to be lynched during the day. You will appear as Social to class type checks.
Superior to Italy (Passive): You will be informed if any classes made by @Italy, include the Italy class typing, or include Italy in their name exist, and which class(es) if so. You will be informed if you are infected by Plague Doctor Italy.
Et tu, Brute? (Day): Can only be used on a class made by @Italy, include the Italy class typing, a class including Italy in their name, or @Italy themself. Your target will only require 1 vote to be executed today. - (the amount of players that this can be used on) uses
Spaghetti Trap (Night): Select two players. You will be informed if any of them are able to be targetted by Et tu, Brute?, and which class they are. This bypasses any frames, tailors, and any form of occupation, redirection, and prevention. - infinite uses

crowns into 815