Homestuck FM - Informed Spec Chat

oh wait

i thought he could vig every cycle

then NK edges out cause lolrampage but barely

i’m just saying, FoL has stronger neutral killers

FoL of all things

also basically every FoL neut can side NK very effectively

demon has like
everything jack has and then some
and doesn’t have an executioner who only seeks their death and knows their exact rolecard in a closed setup

its okay if we pretend this is a mash this game is NK-sided

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everything says that zone’s role is shit and will never win
but it’s a mash, so he’s going to win somehow

tbf flavourwise it makes perfect sense


but like

its not an overwhelmingly strong NK

why does it need a direct counter

flavorwise it could make sense (i’ve read exactly 0% of homestuck) but balance wise i’d call it an unwise decision :eyes:

from the few things i googled apparently jack is some kind of omnipotent mass murderer feared by most things that breathe so i guess it makes sense that everyone is out to kill him

why is it just a 2x rampaging SK then


this deserves to be spoilered:

The Peregrine Mendicant is essentially a lady who, after all her friends have been slaughtered by Jack, puts on the King’s Ring. Jack’s power, the wings and the nigh-omnipotence, come from the Queen’s Ring, and the King’s RIng has the same power. So after he enters the Troll’s universe, the Mendicant follows him, and they essentially go in this big one on one battle for ~three years, non-stop.

im not going to actually think about how this would work:

but if canonically this nerd is an omnipotent mass murderer they should be like

very strong

like, “NK can actually win” levels of strong

but meh

i lied about the “not thinking about this” part and come to the conclusion that NKs arent supposed to win and are just balancing mechanisms

and apprentice is gonna get a free win probably? idk he might get yote because nobody will believe he’s an NK targetting exe

everyone includes the host

the most interesting thing about Jack Noir is how he was created, which is that essentially, when each of the original Four Humans entered sburb, they needed to throw a household object into a Sprite to create a guide. John threw in a clown doll, Dave threw in a crow with a sword through it, Rose threw in a tentacle monster doll (don’t ask) and Jade threw in her dog, who is omnipotent. Jack progressively gained the power of all of these things and grew to be nigh-invincible over time.

any questions

technically, this version of Jack (there are multiple, some of whom aren’t genocidal) is less of an individual being and more of the personofication of the cancer within our universe

could all of this have been avoided if the queen didn’t bully him constantly

well yes, but thanks to a complicated series of timeloops, if Jack is never created neither is our universe, so

so they should be lying darkness levels of strong

there’s just no winning is there