Homestuck FM - Informed Spec Chat

Why did they no lynch?

Anyway, I finished reading Homestuck. (I left to avoid more spoilers)

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This makes 0 sense btw.

I assume Appel can get converted or already is?

already is lmao

left that in
cuz i would want to continue playing and see if I lose or not

rather than just
yeeting out of the game

But you kinda already won, so you win twice if town wins after that?
It’s weird.

you can just
not take the win
just so you can continue playing


Isn’t that gamethrowing.

Not really?

Cuz youre not impacting anyone else

Even if you are by yourself, you still can gamethrow.

Whatever, doesn’t matter, just a strange choice imo.


am i the only one that would forfeit a won game just to continue playing



playing against your current wincon is indeed gamethrowing and as such surrendering a completed wincon most likely is

if this is day 3 why does the thread still say year 1

literally unplayable

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i mean

this just doesnt make very much sense

if you win you win

why can you instead just say “no, i dont want to win” and become a VT

staging for SoD post

The New Session - Year 3

You’ve all met up after 3 years of traveling, in the new session! But the imminent battle hushes any elated celebration…

Year 3 has started.

The day will end 2020-07-14T17:00:00Z

any class with a wincon that can win early should just leave the game imo

at the very worst keep them around as a treestump for gamer reasons

You put the thread in General forum.

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