Homestuck FM - Informed Spec Chat

I just assumed they can’t be framed on Even nights.

…i told leafia that strongman gets delayed, but cannot be healed or redirected during the delayed 2 nights

well that’s how it’s gonna work in my games now :stuck_out_tongue:

Just answer things as vaguely as possible and blame them for not understanding.

Never moderror again ez.

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reminder that “hated hated hated hated hated hated hated dayvig nightvig compulsive day 2 guilty child” is indeed a thing

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…the fuck is this


What are you thoughts about the game so far, kat?

ive only read leafias iso

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It’s Investaly

Read L1ght ISO.

It’s hilarious, trust me.

Super hated day/night novice guilty child


kat please?

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was distracted sorry

thats quite the ISO

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i wanna read

Do you know what about it is so wolfy or do you just find it wolfy?

its a lot of nothing

he kind of shades leafia while also defending her in a weird way as well

I’d say it’s mainly the progression.

I’d call it a plinko board but it’s way worse tbh.

And this

Just… why?

self hammer + AtE three minutes into day one

I feel like you’d try and shoot again before self hammering

I’m honestly impressed he’s managed to fuck over his progression this much already.