How do you format your Observer logs?

I tend to see a good mix in styles of Observer logs, ranging from excessively long winded to some mystery hieroglyphic shite that can’t possibly be deciphered.

My style is as follows:

N1: Follow [x] - v [y], v.b [z],[a]

“v” meaning visited and “v.b” meaning “visited by”.

I find this is the shortest no nonsense way to present them so that people actually read them when I post my logs.

Anyways, what’s your go-to format?


| N1: Follow 3, 4 & 5 -> 3 - > 6


N1 Follow 3 | 5,9 > 3 > 10
Visitors > Target > Visits --> I put this note on the other side of my logs for when I die

N1: Follow [8], [8] visit [2], [16], visited by [11].
I do not like the visitors > follow target > visits format.

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Is that because of the way the feedback gives it to you?

My logs for Observer are simple and effective.

N1: Follow 6 - x > 6 | 6 > y

I go for the longest possible version which I think is the easiest to read and understand:

N1 follow 4|4 visited 5|3, 7, and 16 visited 4|
N2 follow 2|2 visited nobody|nobody visited 2|

I like yours except without the brackets. I used to use brackets until someone told me it makes it harder to read and now I agree.

I just do this

N1:Follow 1-Visited

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N1 - F 6 (Red 8) - X > 8 > 15
N2 - Peek 15 - Unseen

just an example of what mine is.

I would have a lot of trouble interpreting those.

N1 - Follow 3>5|6,14>3

| N1 - follow 2: 4,5 v 2 v 8

I don’t do the 0 thing if no visits on one side or the other, just leave that part off. I do say no visits if both sides would be blank. I abbreviate to fol if I have to add more info like attacks or heals and it’d otherwise line wrap.

I used to do 4,5 -> 2 -> 8 but it got confusing if I was also redirected (which is > in my journals) and had to do something like follow 3>2 up front.

N1 - Follow [10], visited by [4] and [6]

Who they visit.
N1 - Follow [10], visited [7]

N2 - peek [4] - Neutral