How To Properly Fake Claim In 3 Simple Steps. #3 Will Shock You!

Step 1:
Choose your claim.
There’s a lot of BD classes, as well as some Neutral classes you can claim. You should generally prepare 2 claims. One that fits your class type and one that doesn’t.
Claiming out of type, makes you less likely to be narrowed down for being starting evil, but it runs the risk of having to guess ability results and being found by a Princess.
Having 2 claims ready, allows you to safely pick the better option without having to panic and scramble for better logs.

Step 2:
Write your logs.
You have to fake your abilities in a realistic way. Claiming to, for example, Flirt and already outed player will make people suspicious of you, so you should claim your abilities in a way that a real Blue Dragon would.
Writing your logs in a simple and easy to read way might also help you avoid suspicion, due to the other players just skimming though them.

Step 3:
The presentation.
This is the most important step, but underused by many. You need to sound, breathe, and look BD to fool those who are after you.
In this step I would include: outing yourself at the proper time, posting your logs or action feedback when they are needed, voting in a manner that a BD player would, amongst others.
If you want for your claim to be believable, you need to play actively, rather than passively. This would include, for example, saying that someone is confirmed and posting your fake logs that confirm that player, rather than wait until someone tries to get you to post those.


Try talking more.


Step 3 didnt shock me.

Reported. Hope seeing your account deleted soon.


This is too hard to follow. You’re telling me I have to play good? Wow Kape, I never knew you would stoop this low… shame on you.
I’m sueing for false advertisement.


#3 is shocking
how fitting

1 Like

I love the TL;DR part.

1 Like

Uhhhh, this post is 6 months old

Are you saying it’s not a valid guide anymore? If so, please tell me how I can update it to better reflect the current gamestate :slight_smile:

1 Like

unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, he’s referring to the necrobumping rule.

Try not to do that btw

1 Like

It needs to be written in Python :slight_smile:

i claim knight defend king all night and got jail execute

guide suck?


And it should use the following code:

from pygame import freetype
import pygame
from random import randint
print("Instructions: Pick a number of players three through nine, one of them is a Sellsword, another a member of the Town called the Pigeon, and another a member of the Town called the katze, the rest being Vanilla Townies. At daytime, the living players communicate with each other and may use the voting system by typing their number and then typing the number of the person they would like to vote. If they used the voting system by mistake, they may press 'c'. If they want to remove their current vote, they may re-vote the person they are currently voting. If they would like to vote for no execution, they may press 0. The day goes on until someone is voted by the majority and executed.")
print("If the person who was executed was a Sellsword, the Town win. If they were a member of the Town, their exact name is revealed and night begins. At night, the Sellsword chooses who they wish to kill, using 0 if they wish to kill nobody. After that, the Pigeon, if they are alive, may check if their target is the Sellsword or is the katze (they won't know which). Then once that happens, the exact name of the person who died is revealed and day begins again. This cycle continues until the Sellsword is executed or until there is only one member of the Town, in which case the Sellsword wins.")
print("Note: If the screen gets crowded from all the voting, press 'b' to refresh it to how it was at the start of the day.")
while True:
    players = int(input("How many players are playing? "))
    if players > 9 or players < 3:
        print("That is an invalid number of players!")
#Change the 1920 if the screen you are using is not 1920 pixels wide.
#Change the 1080 if the screen you are using is not 1080 pixels tall.
SCREEN_WIDTH = int(1920*players)
#Change the following if you want the background, text color, and font size to be different
BACKGROUND = (255, 255, 255)
TEXT_COLOR = (0, 0, 0)
#Do NOT change ANYTHING past this line unless you REALLY know what you're doing and how to decipher Pigeon's terrible code.
while True:
    MAFIA = randint(1, players)
    PIGEON = randint(1, players)
    if players >= 7:
        KATZE = randint(1, players)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode([SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT])
on = True
FONT = freetype.SysFont("arial", FONT_SIZE)
typed = False
ready = False
day = 0
line = 0
playerVotes = []
noExe = 0
announcements = []
nightAnnouncements = []
firstUnconfirm = True
aliveMafia = 1
aliveTown = players-aliveMafia
voteperson = "skip"
skip = False
unconfirm = False
PigeonOver = False
NotEnd = True
for x in range(players):

def allScreens(word):
    for x in range(players):
        FONT.render_to(screen, (int(SCREEN_WIDTH/players*x), int(line*FONT_SIZE)), word, TEXT_COLOR)
def Type(word, player):
    FONT.render_to(screen, (int(SCREEN_WIDTH/players*player), int(line*FONT_SIZE)), word, TEXT_COLOR)
def blank(existing=False, time="day", turn=0):
    global line
    for x in range(players):
        if playerVotes[x*3] == 0:
            line = 0
            Type("You are dead and are unable to vote! It is "+time+" "+str(int(day))+"!", x)
        elif x+1 == MAFIA:
            line = 0
            Type("You are the Sellsword! It is "+time+" "+str(int(day))+"!", x)

        elif x+1 == PIGEON:
            line = 0
            Type("You are the Pigeon! It is "+time+" "+str(int(day))+"!", x)
        elif x+1 == KATZE:
            line = 0
            Type("You are the katze! It is "+time+" "+str(int(day))+"!", x)

            line = 0
            Type("You are a Vanilla Townie! It is "+time+" "+str(int(day))+"!", x)
    line = 1
    for x in range(players):
        Type("You are Player "+str(x+1)+"!", x)
    if existing:
        for x in announcements:
            line += 1

while on:
    one = False
    two = False
    three = False
    four = False
    five = False
    six = False
    seven = False
    eight = False
    nine = False
    zero = False
    cancel = False
    blankScreen = False
    dayType = False
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            on = False
        if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
            typed = False
        if not typed:
            if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                typed = True
                if event.key == pygame.K_r:
                    ready = True
                if event.key == pygame.K_c:
                    cancel = True
                if event.key == pygame.K_1:
                    one = True
                if event.key == pygame.K_2:
                    two = True
                if event.key == pygame.K_3:
                    three = True
                if event.key == pygame.K_4:
                    four = True
                if event.key == pygame.K_5:
                    five = True
                if event.key == pygame.K_6:
                    six = True
                if event.key == pygame. K_7:
                    seven = True
                if event.key == pygame.K_8:
                    eight = True
                if event.key == pygame.K_9:
                    nine = True
                if event.key == pygame.K_0:
                    zero = True
                if event.key == pygame.K_d:
                    dayType = True
                if event.key == pygame.K_b:
                    blankScreen = True
    if blankScreen:
        if int(day) == day:
            announcements = []
    inputs = [one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine]
    if aliveTown == aliveMafia:
        if NotEnd:
            NotEnd = False
        line = 0
        allScreens("The Sellsword (Player "+str(MAFIA)+") wins!")
        line += 1
        allScreens("Player "+str(PIGEON)+" loses as the Pigeon.")
        if KATZE > 0:
            line += 1
            allScreens("Player "+str(KATZE)+" loses as the katze.")
        line += 1
        allScreens("Chloe wins as the Chloe!")
        line += 1
        allScreens("Everyone else loses as Vanilla Townies.")
    elif aliveMafia == 0:
        if NotEnd:
            NotEnd = False
        line = 0
        allScreens("The Town win! Player "+str(PIGEON)+" wins as the Pigeon!")
        if KATZE > 0:
            line += 1
            allScreens("Player "+str(KATZE)+" wins as the katze!")
        line += 1
        allScreens("Chloe wins as the Chloe!")
        line += 1
        allScreens("Player "+str(MAFIA)+" loses as the Sellsword.")
        line += 1
        allScreens("Everyone else wins as Vanilla Townies!")
    elif not ready:
        allScreens('Press "r" when you are ready!')
    elif day == 0:
        day = 1
    elif day-int(day) == 0:
        if voteperson != "skip":
            if playerVotes[voteperson*3] == 0:
                line -= 1
                voteperson = "skip"
            for x in range(players):
                if x == voteperson:
                    Type("Type the number of who you want to vote", voteperson)
                    Type("The voting system is in use! Please do not type!", x)
            if zero:
                if playerVotes[voteperson*3+1] == 0:
                    noExe += 1
                    playerVotes[voteperson*3+1] = "noExe"
                    Vote = "voted for"
                elif playerVotes[voteperson*3+1] == "noExe":
                    noExe -= 1
                    playerVotes[voteperson*3+1] = 0
                    Vote = "unvoted"
                    noExe += 1
                    playerVotes[playerVotes[voteperson*3+1]*3-1] -= 1
                    playerVotes[voteperson*3+1] = "noExe"
                    Vote = "changed their vote to"
                announcements.append("Player "+str(voteperson+1)+" has "+Vote+" no execution")
                voteperson = "skip"
            tick = 0
            for x in range(len(inputs)):
                if x >= players:
                if inputs[x]:
                    if playerVotes[voteperson*3+1] == "noExe":
                        playerVotes[x*3+2] += 1
                        noExe -= 1
                        playerVotes[voteperson*3+1] = x+1
                        Vote = "changed their vote to"
                    elif playerVotes[voteperson*3+1] == 0:
                        playerVotes[x*3+2] += 1
                        playerVotes[voteperson*3+1] = x+1
                        Vote = "voted"
                    elif playerVotes[voteperson*3+1] == x+1:
                        playerVotes[x*3+2] -= 1
                        playerVotes[voteperson*3+1] = 0
                        Vote = "unvoted"
                        playerVotes[x*3+2] += 1
                        playerVotes[playerVotes[voteperson*3+1]*3-1] -= 1
                        playerVotes[voteperson*3+1] = x+1
                        Vote = "changed their vote to"
                    announcements.append("Player "+str(voteperson+1)+" has "+Vote+" Player "+str(x+1))
                    voteperson = "skip"
                tick += 1
            if cancel:
                voteperson = "skip"
        number = 0
        for x in range(len(inputs)):
            if inputs[x] and x < players:
                line += 1
                voteperson = x
        for x in range(2, len(playerVotes), 3):
            if noExe >= int((aliveMafia+aliveTown)/2)+1:
                line = 0
                announcements = []
                announcements.append("No one has been executed!")
                day += 0.5
                noExe = 0
                for x in range(len(playerVotes)):
                    if x/3 != int(x/3):
                        playerVotes[x] = 0
                blank(True, "night")
                line = 3
                for x in range(players):
                    if x+1 == MAFIA:
                        Type("Type who you want to kill!", x)
                    elif x+1 == PIGEON:
                        Type("Please wait while the Sellsword submits their kill!", x)
                        Type("Please wait while all actions are submitted!", x)
            if playerVotes[x] >= int((aliveMafia+aliveTown)/2)+1:
                line = 0
                announcements = []
                if playerVotes[x-2] == MAFIA:
                    aliveMafia -= 1
                    line = 0
                    announcements.append("Player "+str(playerVotes[x-2])+" was the Sellsword!")
                elif playerVotes[x-2] == PIGEON:
                    aliveTown -= 1
                    line = 0
                    announcements.append("Player "+str(playerVotes[x-2])+" was the Pigeon!")
                elif playerVotes[x-2] == KATZE:
                    aliveTown -= 1
                    line = 0
                    announcements.append("Player "+str(playerVotes[x-2])+" was the katze!")
                    aliveTown -= 1
                    line = 0
                    announcements.append("Player "+str(playerVotes[x-2])+" was a Vanilla Townie!")
                playerVotes[x-2] = 0
                day += 0.5
                noExe = 0
                for x in range(len(playerVotes)):
                    if x/3 != int(x/3):
                        playerVotes[x] = 0
                blank(True, "night")
                line = 3
                for x in range(players):
                    if x+1 == MAFIA:
                        Type("Type who you want to kill!", x)
                    elif x+1 == PIGEON:
                        Type("Please wait while the Sellsword submits their kill!", x)
                        Type("Please wait while all actions are submitted!", x)
    elif unconfirm:
        if firstUnconfirm:
            line = 0
            if kill != "nobody":
                playerVotes[kill*3] = 0
            line = 1
            allScreens("Press 'd' once you have acknowledged this info!")
            firstUnconfirm = False
        if dayType:
            day += 0.25
            announcements = []
            firstUnconfirm = True
            unconfirm = False
    elif day-int(day) == 0.5:
        for x in range(len(inputs)):
            if zero:
                    blank(True, "night")
                    line = 3
                    nightAnnouncement = "Nobody has died!"
                    kill = "nobody"
                    day += 0.25
                    unconfirm = True
                    for x in range(players):
                        if x+1 == PIGEON and playerVotes[(PIGEON-1)*3] > 0:
                            Type("Type who you want to investigate!", x)
                        elif x+1 == MAFIA:
                            Type("Please wait for the Pigeon to investigate someone!", x)
                            Type("Please wait while all actions are submitted!", x)
            if inputs[x]:
                if x+1 == MAFIA:
                    line += 1
                    Type("You cannot stab yourself!", MAFIA-1)
                elif playerVotes[x*3] == 0:
                    line += 1
                    Type("You cannot kill someone who has already been killed!", MAFIA-1)
                elif x+1 == KATZE:
                    kill = x
                    nightAnnouncement = "Player "+str(x+1)+" has died! They were the katze!"
                elif x+1 == PIGEON:
                    kill = "nobody"
                    playerVotes[x*3] = 0
                    nightAnnouncement = "Player "+str(x+1)+" has died! They were the Pigeon!"
                    kill = x
                    nightAnnouncement = "Player "+str(x+1)+" has died! They were a Vanilla Townie!"
                aliveTown -= 1
                day += 0.25
                blank(True, "night")
                line = 3
                for x in range(players):
                    if x+1 == PIGEON and playerVotes[(PIGEON-1)*3] > 0:
                        Type("Type who you want to investigate!", x)
                    elif x+1 == MAFIA:
                        Type("Please wait for the Pigeon to investigate someone!", x)
                        Type("Please wait while all actions are submitted!", x)
    elif playerVotes[(PIGEON-1)*3] > 0:
        for x in range(len(inputs)):
            if inputs[x]:
                if playerVotes[x*3] == 0 or x+1 == PIGEON:
                    line += 1
                    Type("You already know what Player "+str(x+1)+" is!", PIGEON-1)
                elif x+1 == KATZE or x+1 == MAFIA:
                    line += 1
                    if KATZE > 0:
                        Type("Player "+str(x+1)+" is the Sellsword or the katze!", PIGEON-1)
                        Type("Player "+str(x+1)+" is the Sellsword!", PIGEON-1)
                    line += 1
                    Type("Player "+str(x+1)+" is a Vanilla Townie!", PIGEON-1)
                line += 1
                Type("Press 'd' once you have acknowledged this info!", PIGEON-1)
                PigeonOver = True
            if dayType and PigeonOver:
                unconfirm = True
                PigeonOver = False
        unconfirm = True

Boo indents don’t copy. One sec

Woah katze is here and there

claim fool

Look, they are not expecting an actually evil or an actually a knight judge to be doing that

jokes on you

i dont use the guide/judge title often for just that reason

Oh. Sorry. I didn’t notice. It won’t happen again.

Thanks for the TL;DR It was wonderful.


how 2 leaf gud cop cover guide next pls k tanks