Hunter's Mark brainstorm

Hunter’s mark is nearly useless. It has the effect of a butler combined with cold steel which is great, however the actual odds of it going off are so low as to be a pointless ability. Here are a list of idea’s I have on how to rework or change it to make it better, please post your own ideas and discuss them below. I am trying to maintain at least a part of the idea for the ability, so if you want it to be a retri-targeter then this isn’t the thread for that.

These suggestions are independent of each other btw:

HM can target self and has unlimited uses

HM makes it so that if the first target EVER visits the second target they are attacked and occupied (not retroactive)

HM always occupies and attacks the target if they visit ANYONE

HM triggers if they visit anyone BESIDES the second target (no visit still doesn’t attack)

HM sticks on target player unless they are selected again much like sorc bomb. If you die at night you will kill all marked targets

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can we not do if the target ever attacks a person

Hunter targets confirmed assassin when nk is dead

They leave assassin alive

there’s no way to win for him unless he wants to suicide


Sure. I never even put that down as an idea for that exact reason. It’s literally an omniscient kill

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The first one will make Hunter immortal, no?

No. They can only select one target at a time and a death immune target would eventually get occupy immunity so he would still lose to Reaper and Sorc (possessor he can use wolf)

Hunter’s Mark is fine, I’ve hit an evil with it at least half my hunter games (hit evils the first 3 of my first 4 games with new hunter in fact), yesterday I played 2 games where other Hunters hit 2 evils each

I always bear first three nights then mark the next 4, by then I’ve got plenty info to make good guesses

Can you explain the reasoning behind your uses of Mark? why is it failing so often

Hunters mark has the niche of being a…arguably shittier alternative for the lategame. and is more or less used for when they managed to narrow down an evil like an assassin but can’t tell who between like 2 people it is. In a scenario like this the real evil if he isnt jailed will normally immediately go for the prince. you simply eliminate that equation, though smart people will notice the lack of a dead hunter and consider the chances the hunter is around or it they know there is a hunter they might just go kill them instead

Basically it’s either a ability used by yolo hunters or trolls. (aka the slightly less intelligent people who do stupid shit like marking confirmed BD or People who need to be left alone in the chance they are actually good.) what does that mean? literally just means they either kill a BD and disable it for the rest of the game, or just chase after other people (like alchemists) and just drain their uses.

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It’s not so much that I personally have problems with mark (I haven’t rolled Hunter enough since the rework to really get used to it). But that the general feedback is that it almost never is successful and I’m trying addressing that

Making it unlimited would be fine, but it should be disabled upon killing blue dragon.

This sounds a bit too risky. Most classes have at least one visiting ability.

Everything else is good.

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Basically it’s either a ability used by yolo hunters or trolls. (aka the slightly less intelligent people who do stupid shit like marking confirmed BD or People who need to be left alone in the chance they are actually good.) what does that mean? literally just means they either kill a BD and disable it for the rest of the game, or just chase after other people (like alchemists) and just drain their uses.

I had the mispleasure of encountering those trolls when mark first came out, but I haven’t seen it since.

Basically it’s either a ability used by yolo hunters or trolls.

You just haven’t seen any good hunters then, my experience screams the exact opposite.

I’ve seen a Hunter mark Assassin, bear assassin, then mark Reaper to end the game. I’ve also seen a Hunter mark Assassin then Possessor to end the game when we executed the Poss next day. These weren’t yolo hunters or trolls, they are Hunters who know what they’re doing

I also got marked as Possessed Prince in a 1v3, Hunter knew it was a safe mark since Prince can’t get killed by it unless he’s possessed, and that Hunter won with that mark

I would estimate I’ve seen about the same number of people call it useless as I have people who have used it really successfully (more of the latter recently)

It’s situational at best.
Most people just burn all the uses because they can’t be bothered, some never use it, and the time it is used, it’s purely to eliminate the factor I mentioned earlier
(One of these two is evil and prince can only jail one)
You are essentially acting as the buffer or 2nd chance

Also, just a few more things:

  • Hunter’s mark should be renamed to Stalk. It’s uncreative

  • Another rework possibility:

Stalk(Uses: Unlimited) - Mark target player. Select yourself to cancel.
Mark keyword - Prepare target player for another ability.

And change retribution to this:

If you are found guilty of treason, then you will kill your current marked target upon execution. If you do not have a player marked then you will kill the last player who accused you.
Note: This idea was Orange’s(I think), not mine


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it’s purely to eliminate the factor I mentioned earlier

used for when they managed to narrow down an evil like an assassin but can’t tell who between like 2 people it is

What’s wrong with that?

Once I narrowed down the Possessor to 2 of about 10 people based purely on how he voted. Prince was outed so I marked one of those 2 people to Prince, hit the Possessor, then got him executed.

Another time I just marked a random unknown person to the publicly confirmed Alchemist, since it was extremely unlikely for anyone to have a legitimate reason to visit him. I managed to occupy and kill a Marshal (I guess he was trying to double check if the Alch wasn’t Phys?).

Most recently, it was me as Good King, a Phys, a Hunter, an Assassin, a Possessor, and someone else. I was out of guards so I asked the Phys to heal me while letting him know that it would probably mean he gets killed. That Phys survived and we won the game because the Hunter marked the Assassin to him.

Yet another story, my first time with new Hunter. This Observer called out someone else as a killer but we didn’t manage to get him on trial that day. So I marked the guy to the Observer (seemed obvious he would try to shut him up) and occupied and attacked him, who turned out to be the Reaper.

I could go on and on, but I am trying to illustrate with real examples how great Hunter’s Mark can be when used intelligently.

Oh! I remember another. Hunter killed Assassin with Mark, killed me with Bear the next night, then killed Reaper with another mark to end the game.

Hunter’s Mark is a fantastic ability.

Hunter’s mark should be renamed to Stalk. It’s uncreative

Stalk sounds creepy and too modern.

And change retribution to this:
If you are found guilty of treason, then you will kill your current marked target upon execution.

Noooooo … That will encourage Hunters to troll themselves into getting executed just so they can kill their mark. The current Retribution is perfect because it discourages sheep voting and vote-for-role.

Because people totally haven’t done that already. in some occasions the hunter just sits silently during trial and next thing you know the prince gets arrowed because he happened to be last.

Compared to the original hunter, in which any form of suicide to do an arrow on trial was a lot more straightforward and did some form of warning when it was going to happen. The only time a hunter was dead silent was when it was pointless or had a major asset in sight that was worth trading his life for their’s.
I personally remember an occasion where the king executed a prince claim and immediately took an arrow to the face.

Because people totally haven’t done that already. in some occasions the hunter just sits silently during trial and next thing you know the prince gets arrowed because he happened to be last.

Yes, there are bad players who sometimes roll Hunter

Compared to the original hunter, in which any form of suicide to do an arrow on trial was a lot more straightforward

I for one do not want to encourage Hunters to deliberately get themselves executed just so they can arrow someone

Just finished a game where a Hunter killed the last cultist with a mark

Out of how many total games?

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A lot, okay I see your point, but again I get a mark off like half the time