Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Signups ("9"/"9")

Can Jail Keeper target the same person twice in a row @Arete

The reason I ask is because this determines how good a jail keeper is in the game

Was scum in MHA, got stomped on after a town got modkilled

Was scum in Irish Anon, the rest of my team got stomped on and although I made it to like 5 players left I didn’t make it to F3

PMFM literally got destroyed halfway through hosting it and I had to salvage the pieces and tape it back together

FM2 I didn’t want to play and tried super hard to avoid joining but then they ran out of replacements and I inned and didn’t read the majority of the game and then proceeded to have a wolf pull a “fuck you guys I can’t believe you’re calling me scummy I’m replacing out” while their partner (who I would have trusted to not back that up) pointed at that and was like “well I guess they’re town”

Hydra Event 2019 I got vigged by a vig who was so paranoid of my partner that when we didn’t sound like what they do as town they shot us even though it was likely to be me doing the posting that didn’t sound like my partner because if it were my partner we were scum. We were the only people on the right track and the vig proceeded to ghost the next phase and die.

DR Mash got canned, that one is obvious


What happens when Mafia refuse to kill in Mylo when Town refuses to lynch in Mylo? That is a problem when you allow town to no lynch while allowing mafia to not kill as it can lead to a “they lived Happily Ever After” scenario.

This sounds like a job for The Fiddler.
But fiddler doesn’t exist and can’t possibly exist in FM

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pat pat pat

There’s a role that gets a night kill if town no lynches now that I think about it

The Fiddler
Fiddling your draws away since last week

That is probably best for open games?

I can’t promise you that we will win
I can’t promise you that we won’t be mislynched
But I can promise you that we can try to do our best to win
And uhhh most of the people who inned here (at least the people I know of them) are very reliable players. Expect some spam and a lot of memes, but also quality plays

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Having a role that turns MyLo into LyLo in closed just sounds like a disaster

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but nah fwiw other than @sulit I p much agree

Shhhhh they are better than they look like :stuck_out_tongue:

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are we, seriously

orange seems to rand wolf so often i won’t be surprised if he does again

idk but I do remember beibg vaguely interested in your play at some point

I don’t I just get converted often


that’s a pretty high percentage

Can I spectate?