Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

because i’m only half you, so im half as unreasonable

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Lets see, that one was the last VC
any idea if thats still accurate?

probably accurate the thread hasn’t exactly been thriving

nobody decides “oh yes clearly this person is actually town” from Marshal being like “nah that checks out” and also decides “Marshal must be town for saying that checks out”

I feel like I’ve heard your slot talk about “your pushes” a lot but at this point it just looks like you’re a pushover

read my posts with… well, p much everyone, but I think me literally trying to figure out what the hell is going through Society’s head is the best example I have here

I’m not gonna re-read all of DRFM (especially given that was a mash and that’s inherently different) but I don’t even really remember pushing people there so I think it’s a bad pick for that reason as well

I do remember muting Nuclear_Rehab rather than trying to talk them through their reads, and considering Possessed makes me feel about the same maybe that’s not such a bad comparison after all? Considering I’ve been trying to get a response out of Possessed almost the entire day phase and he only recently have they even talked with me, I guess that’s probably the best thing I can point at

Even were we scum, getting you lynched is not an “agenda”

If you think you see an agenda spell it out

If you don’t the buzzwords don’t strengthen your case

This is a bad habit I think you and @Vulgard share and because the game is way too easy if you’re both scum I’ma need to ask you to both stop it


l1ight and gamers

now what does that do for you because frankly I don’t really see the point until I feel good enough to start actively clearing people

been up all night so boutta win this via sleeping until T-2

please define “agenda push” because getting a single mislynch still wouldn’t even be agenda and at no point ever have I been setting up for any sort of chain after you flip

I have no idea what that means but they’re >rand scum because they are both flagrantly ignoring the game thread

yes it was a direct response to your post

he would later go on to do nothing about this

wazza stop making me second-guess thinking your opener was good

E because raycing

I was gonna ask you to follow up but presumably you are now gone

also just gonna /vote society because apparently priestess decided we should join the ranks of people who are scum or bad

Should have thought of that one

can you explain this read, preferably through your hydra partner so you can save some more juicy wallposts for later

also i should totally sleep very soon so i don’t miss EoD

L1ght seems overall very pure, from the very begin on
Dry is Dry as always

I’m not that concerned, as I said I’m planning to sleep until T-2 and that’s when post restrictions lift

Basically I found L1ght’s opener to be strong and since then his actions have been far more consistent with what I would expect of newbie town to newbie scum

The kinds of things he’s done I might scumread others for actually feel pure for a literal first-timer, and given one particular post they made/remade earlier today, I’m very comfortable calling them town

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nod nod

i have a gut read on them but i don’t actually have much substance behind it

iirc my hydra partner shares a similar read

What’s substance in this game?
Can I eat that?

Priestess really making me waste a post on this smh

To be clear - this is a townread, yes?

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its in that direction yes

i probably should have specified but stop making orange waste his posts mom :angry:


I asked you why the fuck would it interest you
Since we are townreading them both

i totally haven’t been awake this entire time :eyes:

watch your fucking language

italy can you do something AI so i can read your ugly slot


Hecking heck

something AI

i dont know what i expected from you

you’re just a worse version of me after all

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hey wait a second-