Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

The ONE thing working in Oranges favor right now is the fact that he’s fighting multiple fronts and I just…like, why would you do that as scum? You’re asking for trouble.

I mean, name those fronts.


Vulgards team

I saw him combatting others, not as aggressively but still pushing it


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now that I remember it, wasn’t it suppose to be called “unified states”

Yeah looked it up, fuck whoever made the map it’s suppose to be called “Unifed States”

I think we already pushed on almost everyone? Who did we miss yet? :wink:

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The ultimate full circle

Wait so does this make you guys the empire?

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One of the most powerful military but everyone hates you

Ooo ooo!

Can you do a “Who is who” of hydras in correlation to the territories in this pic? I’m a sucker for these

Like Vulgards alignment charts

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No for real. Who did we miss? I have nothing really about Amelia, and very few about a few others, but other than that I’m pretty content about the information we have gathered. Just wish a few people would have given more reads

@KyoDaz @Simon VC?

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If you could see our chat you wouldn’t say so lul

Lmfao I can visibly feel the inner dissention in your posts

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i wanna vca a little even though it’s probably not the best way to read rn but i wanna do something

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Last I saw, there wasn’t a wagon more than 3. Usually that’s a good sign, but its harder for me to determine when 5 is majority.

or should i start posting

LIKE THIS :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

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I mean, I would be kinda glad if I get mislynched here, me playing with Orange is fucking strenous

Try being on the opposite end FeelsBadMan

I’m feeling exactly the same so if that was his goal…mission accomplished

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