Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

He’s been doing the same exact thing to me and its actually pissing me off.

that guy is actively interjecting everywhere and inserting himself wherever he can to push the thread in the direction he wants and i feel like he’s completely overconfident too early because his pushes have an extreme amount of conviction relative to the stage of the game we’re at
that’s why i think tmi is influencing his reads. his takes are far too confident and it doesn’t look like he has much of a progression whatsoever. he just goes on attacking everyone, going down the list and making the entire thread (or TRYING to) listen through sheer postcount and loudness of his voice
and like
people have done that before as villagers, i’m perfectly aware of that
but i’ve also correctly v read villagers doing that in the past. perfect example: geyxy hydra in mafia academy. the difference is that their posts were far more analytical, their tone was better and they weren’t trying to bully the thread
in orange’s posts i see an inherent desire for control and confidence is way too high too early, both of which combined I consider wolf traits
which is why i’m voting there
and which is why i want that slot to be today’s lynch
i can’t wait for him to call this illogical too because apparently that’s his thing this game

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that’s because i’m pretty sure he doesn’t actually care about what your slot is saying

(he doesn’t)

to elaborate i called fk locktown because he drew attention to my placement of italia like a dumbass and i think a wolf just wouldn’t mention it if they noticed it, instead probably taking into consideration i may be right about italia being a pr without talking about it in the thread

hi possessed

for clarity i think society vs solar is tvs but i’m terrible at reads like these so i’m trying to look at you both independently and i think solar is wolfier
your two slots really haven’t been talking to each other like wolves would be. it’s way too heated and aggressive
so it’s either tvt or tvs and because i don’t like solar i’m leaning tvs

also piece of advice: don’t let the “loud” players dominate the thread
it’s bad when the entire thread is under the boot of one slot
getting everyone involved is better

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that includes myself

I don’t think so. I wish it were so but I don’t get that vibe.

I’d like to discuss things with his other head, though. She Scumreads me but she’s willing to discuss it in a reasonable manner.

Hi Sulit

the thing is he’s spinning everything you’re saying as a point against you which is indicative of hyper tunneling or pushing in bad faith
which do you think he’s doing?

do you think he’s following this guide?

Step 1: Fluff - Call someone mafia for no reason and push on them.
Step 2: Circular reasoning - When people forget about the initial interactions, continue the push and give the reason “it’s a wagon that needs solving.”
Step 3: Gish Gallop - Bombard them with $#@!ty reads, disconnected conclusions are optional.
Step 4: U MAD BRO? - When your logic is being questioned, simply say they were caught for the wrong reasons and use that as the new foundation for your push.
Step 5: Victim blaming - When the person is killed and flips town, just say they were playing bad and that it was their fault for getting themselves mislynched.

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to be clear this is partially a joke

Believe me, I recognize it.


I mean, that’s why I’m returning over and over to the begining of orange’s reasoning and defense and I can’t still get answers. Sooo… it kinda looks too simlar to what he is doing, yeah.

eyes narrow


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I have a feeling that post was made as a decisive way to gauge alignments.

I mean

If I win cool

If I lose then it’ll be funny still