Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

fwiw I don’t because your slot always starts tunneling ours

thats a yumslip

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Weird way to avoid the question

I can justify everything. Can you justify Priestess’ push, though? Because its not great.

Okay, I’ve run Marshal and Derps’s posts through bot analysis for fun.

And it came out they are jailkeeper.

Your welcome.

Bad push is bad.

Yes, orange can. We talked about it.

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Then start doing so

That one’s easy

She thinks you aren’t in a hydra chat and slipped it, and since I also don’t like your slot we’ve decided to look into you

Now if you could get to justifying yourself that would be great

From my hydrachat:

I think Chloe-Katze is town. Town make slips often (as Marshal pointed out) and they immediately took their vote off us. They saw my push was genuine and so was my retracting. Id have pushed that harder if I was scum.

Marshal is also likely town for pointing the slip out and defending Katze.

If you’re town Orange, I want you to actually read my interactions and not just look for a hydra to push.

Alright. I’m outing now.

I am Town Jailkeeper.

Illegal is usage AI for that.

I used statistical analysis for that.

The difference is that bot is not the one doing the self-learning process, but I am.
Bot was just meant to find discrepancies in style/content in compare between theirs scum/town games, basing on criteria I imputed.

Not them finding criteria, as AI would do.

That’s pretty much same if I input all theirs games to word counter online tool.

Walk me through how defending katze trying to maintain a status of being hard to read is town

Like you were on Gamers and then lolcat was like “no that’s a shit read” and suddenly you townread both???


How is just pointing out that katze likes being hard to read somehow super town AI? Why does Marshal following up on your own question to him make him town for saying what you asked him about?

I don’t see how any of this logically follows from what happened and it really feels like you’re just fabricating this read entirely

priestess v

thanks for coming to my ted talk


fucking ironic

yo hello.

Also this is real result ^

lol i voted you for a meme and unvoted you for a meme