Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

Hence the term LHF

Does “easy prey” communicate it better because I think that gives the right mental image

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getting mislynched is a good learning experience, CMV


Guys they aren’t acting like how a new town would act like, GET EM

given the regularity with which I am teamkilled rather than nightkilled I must have a big brain by now


As someone who almost never got mislynched, YOU should be quiet lul
Getting mislynched, especially when you gave every effort, is extremely disheartening and stressful

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I have an absurdly high mislynch/vig rate

And honestly it’s definitely a matter of looking at it from the lens of “what can I do better next time” rather than “why do they want me gone”

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fr I bet I’ve been lynched twice as often as Town as I have been as scum

Say that again
after getting mislynched in EACH game for 5 months
I ask you, do it


If you include getting shot by town


I’m going on eight literally right now

I don’t think I’ve lived past N1 as town in over a year

I go take a break since I’m getting heated
But literally

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Technically you lived to D3 in FM2

I replaced in late, doesn’t count because I wasn’t around to get killed

Once N compiles a list of my games (:wink:) , let’s take a look at how often I was mislynched/vigged

Because yes I do

it makes me big sad

but i do learn from it

i don’t know what i learn, but i do learn


fwiw this will probably be a long, long while from now due to how infrequently you play here

When someone is lynched a lot of emotions can run through their head. You may be sad at being mislynched, but after each game there is a valuable lesson to be had even if you win. You were mislynched for a reason, which is why being mislynched is helpful so you don’t make that mistake again.

Making mistakes is fine. Making the same mistake is inexcusable.


you promised :cry:

guess I’ll just see myself out then

i never promised a date

and the priority atm is absolutely working on my setups / meta’ing people i’m actually going to be playing with