Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

@katze not in the slightest. I am only hoping to even it up, as it is unfair to have no information on me while he is compiling public information on all of you.

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Nice flex

v appreciated, ty
think you could get specific percentages from different classes and factions?

weird flex but okay

to be clear im joking

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Only 635 games? Thats nothing
Get in my league


I don’t like being myslynched every game only sometimes

Sure, but it will take a few minutes to calculate.

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this is a number :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hello I need help

How do I read you

Hello I need help

With whom are you talking


I don’t think I can use logic to read you I’m pretty sure I’m gonna just have to use gut and hope I’m right

333 town wins, 54 neutral wins, and 130 mafia wins. @N.1, although this takes into account ranked games as well, which I forgot to count earlier. New count is 63.28% win/loss, with 817 games played and 517 won.

Just use German logic and hope you’re right, duh.




Thank you Kanye very cool

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Though I must wonder why you cropped your wins out… :wink:

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Its easier to ask others than to ask me
I cant see myself playing from the outside

How about some riddles to discern your thought pattern?

Last time I checked I had over 3300 games in tol
Could be a few hundred more now who knows