Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

made a very weird post about

this is why we canā€™t have nice things

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me not being Eevee and Iā€™m deeply

ofended that my hydra partner didnā€™t pick actually AI post to complain at :eyes:


I donā€™t know about you but I fucking love this.

but donā€™t worry

we got actually scummy posts from you too!

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entertain me, then

apologies for my inactivity; i just spent the past few hours working on the following post

Subject 3: Slot 3A: Marshal

Marshal does have some off-site games. I will list all of his on-site games first, and then all of his off-site games that I can find near the end.

i42 Mafia Academy I, Member of Town, Failure, Mafia Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/fm-mafia-academy-1-mafia-victory/78994 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Mountainous 15ā€™er, Member of Town, Victory, Town Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/vfm-mountainous-15er-town-wins/79786 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Evolution Mafia, Member of Town, Failure, Mafia Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/sfm-evolution-mafia-mafia-wins/80627 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Town of Salem Mafia, Member of Town (Subbed out of the game, N.1 subbed in for him), Victory, Town Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/tos-mafia-day-8-3-19-town-wins/80168 (can view ISO from post #19).

i42 SFoL 53: Looming Threat, Member of Syndicate, Victory, Syndicate Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/sfol-sfol-53-looming-threat-completed/78350 (can view ISO from post #16).

i42 SFoL 52: Clash of Cults, Member of Blue Dragon, Victory, Blue Dragon Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/sfol-52-clash-of-cults-the-blue-dragon-are-victorious/77883 (can view ISO from post #4).

i42 World of Warcraft: Battle for Azathoth, Member of Horde, Failure, Alliance Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/sfm-wow-bfa-day-5-5-16-the-alliance-win/78949 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Mountainous Arson, Member of Town (Subbed out of the game, Maxwell subbed in for him, Victory, Town Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/vfm-mountainous-arson-12-15-completed-town-wins/78852 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Blood on the Forums II: Electric Fang Gu, Member of Evil, Victory, Evil Wins, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/misc-blood-on-the-forums-2-electric-fang-gu-evil-wins/80547 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 ā€œThrone of Liesā€ FM, Member of Blue Dragon, Failure, Mafia Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/throne-of-lies-fm-game-over-mafia-and-ritualist-win-5-16/80282 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Cop 13ā€™er: The Muppets, Member of Mafia, Failure, Town Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/vfm-cop-13er-the-muppets-town-wins/79881 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Minority Rule X: Risk Edition, Neutral (Everyone was Neut this game but this is still valuable to analyze for the purposes of alliance analysis), Victory, Marshal and NuclearBurrito Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/misc-minority-rule-10-risk-edition-marshal-and-nuclearburrito-win/80749 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Short Fuse IV, Member of Mafia, Failure, Town Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/fm-short-fuse-iv-game-over-town-wins/77851 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 JoJoā€™s Bizzare Adventure: Part 5, Golden Wind FM, Member of Enemy Stand Users, Victory, Enemy Stand Users Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/sfm-jojo-s-bizarre-adventure-part-5-golden-wind-forum-mafia-enemy-stand-users-win/79862 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Lord of the Rings FM, Member of Mafia, Victory, Mafia Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/fm-lord-of-the-rings-forum-mafia-7-25-completed-mafia-wins/78152 (can view ISO from post #763).

i42 SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe, Member of Blue Dragon, Failure, Cult Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/fm-lord-of-the-rings-forum-mafia-7-25-completed-mafia-wins/78152 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Resistance: Throne of Lies, Member of Blue Dragon, No Contest, Game was canned with no clear team in the lead at the moment of the canning, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/misc-resistance-throne-of-lies-canned/78153 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 FoL 24, Member of Blue Dragon, Failure, Unseen Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/fol-forum-of-lies-24-night-3-11-16-completed-the-unseen-and-the-warlock-win/79435 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 SFoL 58: Virtuous II ā€“ Return of the Fallen, Member of Unseen, Failure, Hand of Byzantium Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/sfol-sfol-58-virtuous-ii-return-of-the-fallen-finale-day-5-4-16-imperial-triumph-the-hand-of-byzantium-the-fool-and-the-strigoi-win/80549 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Poisonous Mafia, Member of Mafia, Victory, Mafia Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/vfm-poisonous-mafia-3-17-completed/80690 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 NFoL 4, Member of Cult, Failure, Blue Dragon Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/nfol-newbie-forum-of-lies-4-day-4-the-blue-dragon-and-the-plutocratic-king-win/77638 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Candlelight FM, Member of Town, Failure, Beasts Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/sfm-candlelight-the-beasts-achieve-victory/79742 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Danganropa FM, Member of Town, Failure, Game Canned but Mafia absolutely would have won if it wasnā€™t canned, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/fm-danganronpa-fm-canned/79527 (can view ISO from post #5).

i42 SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL, Member of Unseen, Failure, Blue Dragon Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/sfol-sfol-55-old-ruins-fol-completed-3-16/78771 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Vanilla Mafia Mafia Mafia (NOTE: This game had around a 2% chance to roll as a multiball with four different scum factions, and according to eevee, it did so), Member of Town, Failure, Neutral Killer Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/sfol-sfol-55-old-ruins-fol-completed-3-16/78771 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous, Member of Unseen, Victory, Game was canned but Unseen was winning fiercely and absolutely would have won if the game wasnā€™t canned, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/sfol-sfol-57-last-stand-of-the-virtuous-canned/79506 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 FoL 25, Neutral Character (Inquisitor), Victory, Blue Dragon and Inquisitor Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/fol-forum-of-lies-25-day-4-valiant-sacrifice-the-blue-dragon-and-inquisitor-win/79915 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Blood on the Forums I: Trouble Brewing, Member of Good, Victory, Good Wins, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/blood-on-the-forums-trouble-brewing-good-wins/79377 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Animal Crossing Turbo I (TURBO), Member of Town, Failure, Mafia Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/turbo-vfm-animal-crossing-turbo-i-finale-day-3-4-10-the-mafia-and-gulliver-win/80697 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Black Flag Nightless, Member of French Sailors, Failure, English Sailors Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/black-flag-nightless-the-clock-struck-midnight-english-victory/77337 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Courtroom of Lies I (TURBO), Member of White Primrose, Failure, Yellow Poppy Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/turbo-courtroom-lies-i-yellow-poppy-win/78618 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Rokugan FM: The Legend of the Five Rings, Member of Town, Failure, Neutral Killer Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/sfm-rokugan-fm-game-thread-day-1-1-1-the-lying-darkness-wazzaazza-won/80957 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Derpse Grande Idea, Member of Mafia, Victory, Mafia Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/derps-grand-idea-day-four-10-18/80003 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Liar: ā– ā– ā– ā– , Member of Scum (Lost Wolf), No Contest, Game Canned with No Clear Winner at the Moment of the Canning, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/liar-canned/77489 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 FoL 26, Member of Blue Dragon, Victory, Blue Dragon Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/fol-forum-of-lies-26-day-5-the-blue-dragon-are-victorious-12-18/80415 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Undertale FM (TURBO), Member of Genocide, Failure, Pacifist Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/turbo-undertale-fm-pacifist-win/78589 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Random Rolemadness Madness v3.0 FM, Member of Town (Subbed in for Cheeki, Failure, Mafia Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/fm-random-rolemadness-madness-v3-0-game-end-mafia-mreevee7-kyodaz-solic-htm-wins/77685 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 SFoL 54: Ultimate Pick II, Member of They Targeted Gamers, No Contest (Game Canned Early Day 2 with No Clear Team in the Lead at the Moment of the Canning, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/sfol-54-ultimate-pick-2-16-18-d2-canned/79157 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Sandbox II (TURBO), Member of White Primrose, Failure, Yellow Poppy Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/turbo-sandbox-ii-yellow-poppy-win/78833 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Sandbox I (TURBO), Member of Orange Lily, Failure (Neut that Lost the Game), Yellow Poppy Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/turbo-sandbox-i-yellow-poppy-win/78812 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Courtroom of Lies II (TURBO), Member of White Primrose, Victory, White Primrose Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/turbo-courtroom-of-lies-ii-white-primrose-win/78698 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Grande Idea Musical ā™Ŗ (TURBO), Member of Blue Dragon, Failure, Some Kind of Scum Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/turbo-grand-idea-musical-shurian-htm-and-watermelon-ice-king-jakethewolfie-wins/80075 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Jake Grande Idea (TURBO), Member of ScumTeam (Started BD but was converted), Victory, ScumTeam Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/turbo-grand-idea-scumteam-the-vigilante-won-1-7/79976 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Iron Will I (TURBO), Member of Yellow Poppy, Victory, Yellow Poppy Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/turbo-iron-will-i-day-1/78793 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Turbo Legacy Mafia (TURBO), Member of Mafia, Failure, Wolf Win (Multiball Lol), https://forum.imperium42.com/t/turbo-turbo-legacy-mafia-signups-14-14/78487 (can view ISO from the OP).

i42 Death Note M.E.T.E., Member of Yuzuki, Failure, Alison Win, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/misc-death-note-mete-alison-won/79192 (can view ISO from the OP).

MU Poor Approximations of Wooloos: A Hydra Game, Member of Town; in a Hydra Account with Arete, Failure, Mafia Win, https://www.mafiauniverse.com/forums/threads/25256-Poor-Approximations-of-Wooloos-A-Hydra-Game (ISO can be found here: https://www.mafiauniverse.com/forums/search.php?searchid=6223749&page=1#post_3773109).

MU Monopoly Mash, Member of Town, Victory, Town Win, https://www.mafiauniverse.com/forums/threads/24595-Monopoly (ISO can be found here: https://www.mafiauniverse.com/forums/search.php?searchid=6223811&page=1#post_3669680).

MU Danganropa Mash, Member of Mafia, Failure, Town Win, https://www.mafiauniverse.com/forums/threads/25001-Danganronpa-Mash (ISO can be found here: https://www.mafiauniverse.com/forums/search.php?searchid=6223860&page=1#post_3735504).

NUF Dota Mafia Game #19, Member of Radiant (Subbed in for amilhs at Zone_Q11ā€™s Request), Victory, Radiant Win, https://forum.novelupdates.com/threads/dota-mafia-game-19.101046/page-3 (ISO can be found going backwards from the second-to-last post of Page 6 to just the last post of Page 4 on this site: https://forum.novelupdates.com/search/59454777/?page=6)

NUF TigerBaneā€™s Happy Fun Ride FM, Member of Children, Failure, Easter Bunny Helper Win, https://forum.novelupdates.com/threads/tiggerbanes-happy-fun-ride-easter-bunny-helpers-win.101416/ (ISO can be found going backwards from the fourth-to-last post of Page 4 to the first post of Page 1 on this site: https://forum.novelupdates.com/search/59454777/?page=4).

MC New Day 3 Mafia, Member of Town, Failure, Mafia Win, https://www.mafiacolosseum.com/threads/new-day-3-mafia-game-over.229/ (ISO can be found here: https://www.mafiacolosseum.com/search/16426/).

MC Not Dead Yet Mafia, Member of Town, Victory, Town Win, https://www.mafiacolosseum.com/threads/not-dead-yet-mafia-signups-14-14.225/ (ISO can be found here: https://www.mafiacolosseum.com/search/16429/).

Like this quote

is very good example of


Just stop.

nope, sorry.

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Eevee, Orange

Very neat compilation. Iā€™m confused behind the reasoning to making these, however. Any reason that you are comfortable with sharing? @N.1

Iā€™m making these because the only level of success iā€™ve ever had in reading players has been through meta analysis, and compiling these things makes it much easier to perform meta analysis in the future.

Oh, I see. That makes sense, youā€™re playing to your advantagesā€¦ even if they take hours to process.

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iā€™ve never read players effectively in any manner that didnā€™t take at least a dozen hours to process, ever

, and firekitten