Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

I’m not toxic and I didn’t fake the screenshot.

Actually, instead of acussing me randomly, where was I supposedly toxic?

I personally find it unlikely that it was anything other than a glitch. The screenshot was posted immediately, and unless you’re saying that they prepared it just in case someone pointed it out…

I’m letting this speak for its own
Anyways, back to go to irl

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Uhm, what’s toxic about it?

I’m attacking your read here, not you as a person?

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I’m just asking my friend how to look at said metadata

they haven’t responded


angry parent syndrome strikes again

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i just asked in my classcard; apparently it is not in this game

I’m pretty sure Discourse has their own image version created at the time of upload, so all the metadata in the world won’t say shit

Neither does a technical bug

Not sure that’s gonna work.

I screenshoted, pasted it to paint, cut out the part in question and pasted it here.
So it kinda was edited due to me cutting out post out of screenshot of whole site (and second screen too).

If anything you would need to look into details like fonts and if it aligns with rest of the post ect. ect.

And forgetting the “48 hours” on the same time. Sure

What do you gain from shading Eevee about supposedidy lying about timer…?


When their hydra partner likes that post


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This screenshot is his proof for his quickhammer attempt being non-scummy
Context is important.
Turned out that the screenshot is faked
Welcome in my scumcore for the rest of the game.

I mean, scroll back to 2nd post and tell me.
If you look for timer, what do you see first in that post?

The 48 hours thing or nicely underlined date and time on the middle of your screen?

It’s Eevee tho, I’m like 88% sure he did that as a meme

citation needed

eevee has done dumb stuff but that’s a line I don’t think he’d cross as either alignment

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you are telling me it’s okay to photoshop other people’s posts?

wow what a day to be alive

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Can’t fake quote, but I can photoshop


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this is a compelling argument if this happened

but this makes more sense

eevee is a mod after all

doesn’t excuse it