Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

Mechanical deduction in BotC
You are a madman
can I marry you



Mom no heā€™s like 13

Anyway itā€™s bedtime for me I wanna try to get 6 hours

Italy I wanna see more from you and your slot :rage:

list of how iā€™ve gamesolved every game of discord BotC, in order

  1. demon and minion both went for the pro gamer strat doubleclaim, but when they were afraid to get shot by gunslinger since doubleclaims are sus, i knew they were evil (TB, Mayor)
  2. all of my results were wrong, and mechanics lined up. If I was being poisoned through arete (who was the Sweetheart, an outsider) then i knew exactly who the no dashii was. I was correct but they were actually vortox :eyes: (S&V, Dreamer)
  3. We donā€™t discuss this one. (I honestly forgot what edition, Deviant)
  4. Kept hitting protected players. Fock. When my false minion made it clear i was lunatic, I immediately knew the person claiming to be my minion was the demon, because they were the one who came to whisper me. (BMR, Lunatic)
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4 mightā€™ve came before 3 actually

Italy, what do you think about the game state here?
What do you think about that we have so many different trains? we had like 7 on the same time in the VC, and we are only 9 people

Ask for reads on Lolcats

Ignore them and push anyway

Lol k

day 1 is always total chaos like this
generally you have to wait for day 2 before everyone is actually organized and isnā€™t just yelling at eachother with scrambled reads until people actually come to some kind of agreement a few hours before eod

yes i really did solve 4 games of BotC with mechanics
fight me

pretty sure arete was there for most of my BotC games and tan was there for all of them


/Vote Solar Opposites Harder

if thereā€™s one thing that held true to all of those games though
itā€™s that itā€™s not as easy as it looks to kill italy
i even survived the deviant game with a game full of people who policy exiled travelers

The best part in this is probably that Iā€™ve not even read my partnerā€™s wallposts here
Wallposts bad

also just remember that itā€™s factual that i survived more exiles than katze as deviant
therefore iā€™m a better deviant

This post right here is your future get out of jail free card. It reads, ā€œEven if I manage to get you hung, ill still look innocent because everyone will think I was scum huntingā€.




Tell your partner to get his shit together. I know he thinks he can be loud and flex his superiority over people, but Iā€™m not gonna let that shit fly.

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I think heā€™s coming from an old meta, back in the old times when it was good tone for town to be really aggressive and pushy
Makes sense that especially the calmer people are voting him here, I donā€™t like it either

And yes Iā€™ve reeeeed at him already cuz of that in dms