Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

There’s a fine balance between aggression and reason. He’s displaying the idea that “oh this is how I interpret things so nobody else can interpret them a different way”. We all have our own methods, don’t shit talk someone for theirs. If Oranges approach is aggressive…fine. He thinks he’s coming from a reasonable standpoint like Katze has been (who also Scumreads us) but its actually not. He’s accusing me of disappearing, saying I’m a pushover, saying all this stuff that contributes NOTHING to game solve. He doesn’t even realize that I’m gonna interpret that as agenda-pushing.

The goal here is to find scum, not desperately get a lynch.

(In fact the fact that both I and orange stated already that we want to be online at EoD means that none of our votes are final, so the “desperately get a lynch” part is kinda void)

at first i thought that priestess being the immovable object and orange being the unstoppable force was just a joke
then i remembered that priestess will almost never change a read if they’re defending someone, and is always prepared to die on a hill
then i saw orange


yes there was deeper meaning ^^

priestess will never give up a townread
orange will never give up a scumread
the immovable object and the unstoppable force


Seems legit

yeah I’ma head to bed so closing thoughts

what part of “your reads make no sense explain them” and then you disappearing and me spending literally all day trying to get more on them out of you is “ignoring” those reads

That is literally the main reason I scumread you

No amount of wishing I magically thought everything you do seems like town will change that

Have you ever considered that if your only defense is “you’ll look townie after you lynch me because people will see it as scum hunting” that maybe you are the problem and not me

There’s no superiority here

It’s entirely you refusing to actually explain anything, just turning tail and running or turning to omgus

it’s an awful look and you literally just said as much

I have been using aggression to literally try and get into your head so I can reason through your thoughts for THE ENTIRE FUCKING DAY

You have essentially refused to engage

First you pointed at X and called it Y

Then when I called you on that you disappeared

Then when I called you on that you started voting me

Then when I called you on that you started saying “oh but it wasn’t X it was actually Z” when you’ve literally been saying “it was X” “it was X” “it was X” the whole day

Right now I’m pretty sure your lynch contributes 50% of solving this game, and if you honestly want to convince me it won’t you’re gonna need to actually do something, fucking anything, that isn’t running away and throwing shade.

You have until I wake up.

Last note for my last post before T-2: I hope I have better sleep tonight than last night

I had this weird dream and it’s really trippy to think about

Like I was even confused in the dream by what was going on

So I was on a roller coaster and my part of the car broke off from the train and I almost died

Then they figured out that the problem was with one of the support beams? Which made no sense at all in the dream either but hey whatever

Then there was this walrus-looking grey thing that everyone called a dolphin and it had apparently been given some sort of honorary engineering position or something?

I was also confused by this in-dream but didn’t really have time to figure it out before it grew like twenty times its size into a dinosaur-looking thing and started fucking eating everyone

Was really weird


go sleep :eyes:

I’ve given you reads, cases, explanations. Wtf more do you want from me. You’re trying to frustrate me and its working.

i stayed up longer than kat
therefore: kneel

Like, what more do you want me to fucking say? If my answers don’t satisfy you, fine…but don’t say I didn’t give them.

There’s no OMGUS in my accusations. I’ve pointed out why your agenda is evident.

Orange would like to ask you to consider his words

Could you answer to this? You haven’t yet iirc

Except it doesn’t answer my question at all.

You pointed out the ‘slip’, Priestess. Do you remember what you felt was a slip that I said?


Again. Explain this.
Where did I say anything about you reading me?
Where did I say that becouse you tried to read me, you are scum?

This is weird, I don’t remember any of this happening, so I want you to explain this.
Especially that you jumped from N.1 topic onto me topic without previous buildup, so I just want to udnerstand where did you take that from.

And all I got was you avoiding my question about it so far.

I’m annoyed, but I want to understand your progression… and so far you are not making it easier with jumping from topic to topic and avoiding any explanation of them.

Or are you referencing the Katze slip interaction? That I’ve answered numerous times.

bruh did orange really just accuse me of not explaining my read when that entire wallpost is me… explaining my read
he may not agree with the logic but it’s fucking there and i actually feel insulted
i explained that my read on orange is mostly gut and i also don’t like his tone whatsoever AND i don’t think he’s a villager because he’s pushing on people in a wolfy way, bullying the thread and ignoring the context behind the posts of his targets
i’m sure he’s going to come back here and yell at me for “not explaining my read” and i frankly don’t give a fuck. he’s playing like it’s his obligation to dominate the thread and it’s unhealthy for the game.
and i also think he’s a wolf.
i’m not changing my vote

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if he thinks he’s going to shut me down because “lol illogical” then he’s wrong

also fk was totally right about why i placed italia where i placed them and orange wolfreading materials for that is ??? i think it’s another example of completely missing the context and what it means for our alignment

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