Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

are you the other half :sunglasses:

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Do things iā€™m capable of understanding
Occasionally commit to ISO and/or Meta
Your push on orange D1 still seems identical to your F11 D1 gorta push to me

Itā€™s almost likeā€¦ logic and rationality were being used to form a conclusion???

Nah we used RNG and it said you and solar were scum

oh damn

how did rng get both the scum

Where tf have you seen me ever use ISO and meta?

Thatā€™s 2 things I heavily despise.
Third is readlists if I have to fill the trio.

Your vote stayed on SE but your Scumreads still look manufactured.

You have still comprehensively failed to prove how your D1 push on orange this game was any different from your D1 push on Gorta in F11.

Until you convince me on that front, I will never stop scumreading you.

Donā€™t know what to tell you, then.

Yet you didnā€™t vote them.


Seems like you already formed your conclusion.

Thats you job to prove why its the sameā€¦lol

burden of proof lies on the accuser not the accused

thats like saying ā€œYou didnt prove withought reasonable doubt you DIDNT kill that man! so ur guilty!ā€

Sharia Law
Guilty until Proven Innocent

okay but

if eevee is scum they still have to win in final 3

we have quite a bit of time is what im saying

Then everyone is guilty for you rn?
Cause noone proven they are innocent?

You are in game with like 7 scum?


Do we know who was RBed?

Basically yes
But you most of all since youā€™re the only person who has ever pulled this cheese before

Under Sharia Law ur guilty as well. We are all guilty

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So I would be more townie if I didnā€™t lynch scum day 1?