Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

Jail Keeper does, but we don’t want them outted yet. :slight_smile:

Uhh… yeah. Nobody can say for 100% sure that someone else is innocent.

who was jailed, no Jailor did not come out and shouldnt yet. Everyone should say who they would jail, but other than that jailor should prb be quiet at this point

you would be more townie if you could attempt to prove how this wasn’t tunneling a scumbuddey like D1 in F11 was

I’ve read through both ISO’s. So far i fail to find any difference

Please help me help you

Ok fair, just wondered if I missed something.

I feel like if JK jailed Dangan we should just hang them.

i jailkeeped the midgets last night and will do it again tonight :slight_smile:

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There’s a good chance scum did no kill

I would’ve jailed Society, but I have no idea why Solar would vote them up if they’re scummates so I’m essentially not too worried about them anymore.

would have jailed: composite materials, obviously

So, I guess I probably owe you two an apology, Society.

essentially to prove the that the jailkeeped are not the killers we need a night kill to prove it, and since we have majority we can no lynch til they kill and I’m pretty sure rules wise they have to kill tonight

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I’m fine with a No lynch and a night skip. Is that what we’re going for?

Orange’s entire goal this game was to frustrate town and look townie while doing it.

Half of that worked, but the Possessed/Sulit escaping D1 lynch curse succeeded that RNG.

we should make sure every team is in thread at least once before we skip day imo

/vote No Lynch

Im pretty sure you’re just scum but sure.

Okay, has anyone seen lolcat or italia today?

Pretty sure it’s at L-1

Everyone should jail Datbird/Wazza tonight, agreed?


lolcat has been here

italia hasn’t

Wait I’ve seen lolcat