Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Composite Materials The ParagoNs of CloNNNNNNNNNNes 1/4
Society :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: 1/4
Italia The Apex Legends 1/4

please ping me if there are any errors

one just like gamers in its entirety Priestess white knight u. Priestess would rather not lynch her friends even if opposite allignments as seen with Margaret that one game a long time ago

do we think orange never voted a wolf
these are all his votes in the thread

/Vote Concrete

Sorry but looking at it from a whole this makes the most sense for me.

can u go into this read for us

this post looks best for italia because he went out of his way to quote a post from outside of the thread as a justification for his vote on italia which feels like something a wolf wouldn’t do to another wolf?
i don’t think it’s outside of orange’s wolfrange but it’s somewhat unorthodox

also i feel like that was some severe angleshooting territory but that’s w/e i think?

you think that when eevee was talking about solar’s existence being -ev it was wolf distancing?
i could see that
sell me on it

is he one to vote a wolf? absolutely.
Did he in this game? probably not is my guess

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Composite Materials The ParagoNs of CloNNNNNNNNNNes, The Apex Legends 2/4
Society :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: 1/4

please ping me if there are any errors

orange only voting 3 slots feels like he was powerwolfing hard (which he was) so it’s possible he never voted a wolf tbh

also orange’s interactions with materials were kinda lukewarm
like they kinda quarreled but neither of them was strongly opinionated about the other until the very last messages during eod

could bring up some posts, i’m recalling this observation from memory

Yeah, but like… he didn’t even use meta.
He says it’s simlar all the way yesterday and today, but fails to really point out what is simlar.

And it’s to the point where he starts saying that lynching scum is bad thing to do.

It’s either super paranoid or… no, it’s just weird regardless if it’s paranoid or not.

Did he? Because they never moved their vote.


Basically Ever*

yeah society is lock clear
orange’s voting patterns were basically x-society-y-society-x-society, and he ended on society
that’s pretty clearing fmpov

@vulgard the problem is the setup punishes bussing heavily until the Jail Keeper dies. I wouldn’t allow Eevee to bus orange there because then we get fucked by that. As well, Eevee is the one who suggested we no lynch to confirm people where he has no reason to suggest that if he was scum. The reason I think it is Italy is because orange got fucked last game where he hard defended all his teammates, which is why I think orange was trying to push Italy but switched off when it actually mattered

Here’s some interactions between Priestess and the Concrete Hydra.

Honestly, that could be damning. It makes it look like the votes in between were fabricated

yeah that’s a very good point in your slot’s favor