54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

lmao wtf



@N.1 Unfortunately I’m unaware specifically of 90% of that list is however I have watched the entire Witcher series on Netflix, I’m on like page 20 of the book and I’ve also played a bit of Witcher 3.

I could also help with Star Wars but I haven’t played KotOR, but I could also research that one.

I’ve also watched the Incredibles 1. Not 2 yet.

Is the site loading slowly or is my internet just sucky?

1 Like

You’re very late to the party on that one friendo

I was expecting a rick roll

Guys I have a serious problem I need some help and advice

What is the serious problem?

Follow the following procedure:
Can the problem be solved with a hammer?
if yes: use hammer
if no: use hammer anyways

that would be arizona, actually

west texas also qualifies tbh

Does Belgium qualify?

as a desert?

I don’t think there are any deserts in belgium and even if there were… i don’t think it could be considered “the desert of america

We can move it.

It’s not that big.

I want to cut florida off from the rest of the US

it doesn’t deserve to be with us

we could replace it with belgium

Okay but Florida Man should stay.

small group discussions, pandemic edition:

‘wow [the professor] somehow managed to take group discussions and make them even more useless

‘so … time to sit in silence until we get called back to the main room again?’

I feel like I should have 3 quotes but there were only two actually funny ones

9 days until I know whether or not I was right about the mole.