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Climate change

its prob due to the environment and the animals there.


what if I wanted to start my own country

you could claim it, just nobody would recognize you

It’s the polar south.

Extremely important place in the environment.

wait so can we make a type of ocean village and own it

Someone has done that.

like an place in middle of the ocean

with houses

think about it


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Good point.

You can pretty much kill any animal and eat it

someone tried to make an island nation by throwing sand into the ocean, but someone put a quick end to that

why are people dumb

but why would people end it

isnt that a place where neither country wants it

reee muh national borders extend to the place where he is throwing sand

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I thought it was a place where both countries wants it tbh.

Maybe I’m just being dumb though.

yep but like 5-10 dudes claimed it before him

thats the something triangle, if either nation claimed that land they would lose that great land for their nation


If you could live anywhere, even the moon, where would you live?

in a universe with magic