Icibalus's Guide To Hosting

So, as is known I’m one of the most experienced hosts on the site despite the fact that I’m really bad at not making mod errors. The point is, is that I know what’s going on when hosting FMs and SFoLs, and lately I’ve been seeing a lot of poorly run games and setups.

So, here’s a guide from I, Icibalus!

Step 1: Setup

So, you want to host an FM/SFoL, young one?

If you want to host an MS/premade open setup, just go ahead and skip this section.
However, be sure that the game you’re hosting is interesting and hasn’t been done to death.
Also don’t host FoL reskins as FMs.

HOWEVER, it seems that ya’ll want to host closed setups. I’m not going to go on about balance in closed setups, because there are enough guides to that, but keep in mind the following things:

  • RETHINK YOUR CHOICES 5 TIMES BEFORE DECIDING TO HOST A BASTARD GAME - If you’re going to try and host a bastard game, you have to try EXTRA-HARD to make sure its actually fun. And also, I reccomend you make the bastardness controllable and predictable. Link it to classes, tie it down to mehcaics, and for god’s sake DON’T MAKE IT UP AS YOU GO ALONG.
  • Make sure the numbers are actually balanced - Neutrals are not necccecary to make a setup count as a setup. Nor is having a 4-man scumteam. There have been too many games where the numbers of town/mafia/third parties have been absurdly scumsided.
  • Make sure your third parties have an actual purpose in design - Like I said, stop putting in neuts for the sake of neuts. In a closed setup, you need to give neutrals a defined purpose for their existence instead of just being put in for the sake of “IT’S FUN BECAUSE THEY’RE THRID PARTY ROLES”
  • You are allowed to make classes have weak abilities. Vanilla townies exist for a reason - Rolemadness is perfectly fine. But I find a lot of you put extra abilities on classes JUST FOR THE SAKE OF PUTTING MULTIPLE ABILITIES ON CLASSES. There is also no shame in putting VTs in your game for the sake of balance, just be sure to say that it’s not a rolemadness game and VTs are a possiblity.
  • Make a setup where scumreading actually matters - if the setup is very easily winnable for town without scumreading, it’s a bad setup. That is all.
  • you’re allowed to have it not be a Upick - sigh

Step 2: Make sure you actually know what the interactions do

I’ve learnt this from experience. Give a definied list of interactions for yourself while hosting.
THIS is how you prevent mod errors.

Step 3: Signups and Me: A PSA

Make sure that the signups make it blatantly obvious what you’re getting into. Include phase lenghts, mechanics that should be revealed pre-game (EG: what if that game of FoL you joined had a poker-mafia style mechanic) and whether the game is plurality or majority.

Format your OPs as neatly as possible. It looks better and is clearer for getting info across.

oh yeah also FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WAIT FOR OTHER GAMES TO END BEFORE POSTING ANOTHER SIGNUP. It’s okay if you clearly NEED pre-ins but try to limit signups to 1 week before the game begins.

Oh yeah, also set a start date for the game to begin at instead of starting the game when signups fill, allowing people to make plans for the game they’re about to play.

Step 4: Actually in the game

Rules of thumb:

  1. Actually prod people - I’ve grown a bit lax on this, but DO poke people into being active. it keeps a game alive.
  2. Post votecounts - again, I’ve grown lax on this, but MAKE SURE PEOPLE KNOW THE VC
  3. Keep interactions with the players to an absolute minimum - We’ve seen enough of this. You know all their roles, they don’t. If you keep talking with the players casually without keeping it to an absolute minimum and being VERY careful about what you actually say in case you spew someone’s alignment. The more you talk in-thread, the more people will be tempted to angleshoot everyone’s alignments.
  4. Modkills and Me: A PSA - You should only modkill a player if they break a post restriction, post info from their rolecard or learn info that breaks game integrity. For anything else, replace them out.
  5. Answering Questions - Ask that all questions are posted privately, excluding “how long remains in day” and questions about entirely public mechanics. Even if you’re asked the same question multiple times, it prevents angleshooting to the extreme.
  6. Stay Consistent! - Do NOT change your game rules or interactions mid-game. It’s confusing, feels bullshit and is just a scummy thing to do.
  7. DON’T MAKE MOD ERRORS - ecks-dee

Step 5: Flavor

Either go all in on flavor, make all your modposts really pretty, or just don’t bother. Badly written flavor is bad for everyone, so it’s fine to have a completely flavorless game.

But if you’re hosting a game themed around something else, you have to go all in on flavor or there’s no point in making it a themed game.

(Not that this matters since there have only been about 5 games with serious flavor on this site but you know)


In conclusion, the best way to learn to host is by watching good hosts and reading good games. I could add more posts to this thread in future, but follow the rules here and you should have a reasonably good game.

Good day.

~ Icibalus

oh yeah also all setups get 10 times better if you include at least 3 dayvigs so do that


could you please limit the replies in this serious thread to be serious replies okay thanks


Thanks :+1:

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wow really great additon to the conversation
what exactly about my guide makes you wish to “no” it

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Ici, you should add “Don’t change game-rules during the game”.

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i mean I don’t think I should even have to say that
but okay


Squid did.
Can’t be too sure. Thanks.

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My mother is NOT a roller main! HOW DARE YOU!

oh i forgot to mention that if you want you can wisdom of the mod memesky out and nobody will hate you for it


Be quiet, please.
This is a guide to hosting, not a place where memes run rampant.

Thank you Marl!

Off-topic posts will be mercilessly deleted. Stay on topic and don’t clog the thread with meaningless memes

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Don’t thank me, Thank @Ashe


Oh. I saw you attempting to post earlier, and I assumed you erased Meme’s posts.
Thanks Cool Mod!


Anyone have any good examples of well-implemented bastard games from other sites?


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Mantachora’s AIDS Fiesta!
My god, that was fast.



Just realised the big flaw with this guide though, there’s no step that says “All Ashe games are inherently superior to all other games” :^)

i have no need to state the obvious