Idea of a mechanic for king

I have a idea i just wana share and see how people respond- Cult/unseen should for 1 get the majority and 2 fight for the crown but as it stands a tie means pardon in all situations so i offer this- make it so if a person is on stand and its lets say 3 cult VS 2 bd and a GK. I think what should be done is the kings vote should overlap a regular vote so say its 3 exe 3 pardon and its the cult who all pardon. I think the kings exe should break the tie and cause the accused 4th cult to be exed. This also fixes the if someone is prince they spam jail the CL problem and vice versa if its EK and it applies to unseen just as much

That would make King win 2v1s and make him even more swingy than he inherently is. If King wants to win the vote in that situation then he better have decide fate