If everyone dies, it says "DRAW" even if Sellsword and Merc wins

Pretty simple, it should say Merc and/or SS win if everyone dies. But it says Draw.

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Scorned and Fool can also win with everyone dead by the end, so might be worth checking if it happens with those two as well.


Also Meh, i can’t post my output_Log.txt cuz i just made this account.

And apparently upload only 1 screenshot. :frowning:

EDIT: I’ve uploaded both pics and logs in discord channel #bug-dont-ping under @Huntard

im pretty sure its not supposed to say “merc and ss wins” or that sort of thing and is just supposed to say draw if that happens

But SS and Merc don’t have to get rid of each other (at least not in their win cons.)

Pretty sure the win cons for Sellsword and Merc is that they need to ensure that their faction they should be supporting wins in the end. If everyone dies, they cannot be said to win their conditions can they?

I believe that Fool would still win if they are executed, Alche’s would win if they survive in the end, and Inquisotor if they eliminate the Sorc.

Mercenary and Sellsword win conditions is to see one specific faction defeated, not necessarily another one winning. They both win with NK and other neutrals, after all.

Good catch on Inquisitor though. So far this issue should be checked for Mercenary, Sellsword, Scorned, Fool and Inquisitor, all of which can meet their win conditions even if everyone ends up dead in the end.

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I thought this was no longer the case though… :thinking: Thanks for poiting this out to me as well. I’m gonna check this out hopefully later, because I’m pretty sure they don’t win with neuts, but then again, I haven’t played again yet after finishing exams, so definetly have to get back somepoint. Perhaps Sunday since my calenders booked at the moment for other bits and pieces…

Thanks again though~

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Well shadow is right


Mercenary has to see Unseen/Cult lose and Sellsword has to see BD lose so as long as their factions lose they should win. They both can win with the neutral killer because that ensures that BD and Cult/Unseen lose


In case you have forgotten, it says when everyone dies. This therefore suggests they have therefore in this case cannot win due to a draw since BD and Unseen/Cult did not officially win in this case

If you examine the screenshot carefully, you will see that the mercenary indeed won the game- just look at the chat. It is a visual bug.

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Their win conditions do not require anyone to win. Merc needs Cult/Unseen to lose, Sellsword needs BD to lose. They don’t need the opposite faction to win, that’s why they win with NK and other Neutrals. That means if everyone dies and there’s a Merc/Sellsword in the game, those would win by default.